Some of us Liberty Dollar Associates and an RCO have started to work on ramping up the LD business. We now have a website where we want to list all the merchants and associates. Please check it out and send any feedback to me (Ron Helwig, the webmaster). (
The website is new, and we are still creating basic content, but you should get a good idea of how it will operate.
The intention here is to only list merchants that are verified to be accepting Liberty Dollars. We will make a personal visit to retail locations and speak with management, as well as verifying that clerks are familiar with the LD. We will also be making regular visits to ensure that the store has stock on hand.
Similarly with associates, we want to verify that listed associates are active, so people don't show up at someone's doorstep only to be disappointed. I am expecting that some associates can be assigned a "route" or territory to cover. For example, I will be doing bi-weekly visits with merchants in Deerfield.
So if you are a merchant or associate, or would like to become one, please email me ( with your information and create an account on the website. Once I have verified you, I will make you an info page and upgrade your account so you can edit your own info page as well as participate in the non-public forum.
Perhaps you should get these merchants to post signs in their store that they accept Liberty Dollars. Or better, a standardized logo decal they can stick on the cash register or storefront windows, alongside the row of decals that indicate what credit cards they accept.
Quote from: J'raxis 270145 on August 14, 2007, 12:10 PM NHFT
Perhaps you should get these merchants to post signs in their store that they accept Liberty Dollars. Or better, a standardized logo decal they can stick on the cash register or storefront windows, alongside the row of decals that indicate what credit cards they accept.
That's the idea, and those stickers have been around since at least '99. I'll have a few with me at Taproom Tuesday tonight.
Looks good. I got a dress watch fixed today and I paid with Liberty silver certs. Also a 1/20oz gold coin because I had to sell my ingot last month to pay for a high ticket item- I felt naked! 8-)