New Hampshire Underground

Insufferable Peppiness and Gloating => Insufferable Peppiness and Gloating => Topic started by: KBCraig on January 23, 2008, 03:29 AM NHFT

Title: My youngest meets Ron Paul
Post by: KBCraig on January 23, 2008, 03:29 AM NHFT
No political content (other than our support for that particular candidate), but we had a great time on Monday, 1/21/08, driving down to Shreveport Louse-iana, for a Ron Paul rally on very short notice. It was a fun time for the family. Even the Numbah One Dog got to go:

John David, our 5 year old, got to shake hands with Ron Paul. I was pretty proud that he was minding his best manners, and that he was very happy to meet this grandfatherly figure who didn't have presents for him.  ;D


"I'z in ur haus, signin' ur kidz!"

The shirt has been stored safely away.  8)


Title: Re: My youngest meets Ron Paul
Post by: Kat Kanning on January 23, 2008, 07:49 AM NHFT
Heh, cute pics.  :D
Title: Re: My youngest meets Ron Paul
Post by: Raineyrocks on January 23, 2008, 09:54 AM NHFT
Awesome! :D

I saw Linda Hamilton, (The Terminator movie), in an Applebees on my son's 3rd birthday and asked the waitress if she would come over and sing happy birthday to him.  She did and I have pictures, he really didn't care but I was so excited! :)
Title: Re: My youngest meets Ron Paul
Post by: Pat K on January 26, 2008, 10:53 PM NHFT
 ;D 8)