Free Minds TV is currently on 5 cable access channels; Cheshire TV, Manchester Community Access, Falls Area Community Television, LRPA TV, and Concord TV.
Recently the post office cut the cost of shipping a DVD by half, which means we need to get on double the stations. If you live in a town that does not already have Free Minds TV please consider submitting the show to your local cable access channel. Most cable access channels require a resident to submit the paper work, and then we do all the rest. Each week we will ship a copy of the show to either you or the station. If you are interested in helping out please reply here or e-mail
Thanks! :)
Is there a list somewhere of all the cable access channels in NH?
Quote from: Kat Kanning on August 22, 2008, 10:14 AM NHFT
Is there a list somewhere of all the cable access channels in NH?
A partial list of NH stations is available at:
You don't need to live in NH to submit FMTV to your cable access show. We talk a lot about the Free State Project, so maybe having Free Minds TV on in Georgia or Virginia will cause more people to make the move to NH. We've gotten many e-mails from people who saw the show online and decided to join the FSP. The more places the message of freedom and liberty is on the better.
I almost forgot, for people who are unaware of what Free Minds TV is, we are a libertarian news commentary show. Archives are available at (
I just realized this morning that I forgot to go again. :-\
I got onto my roommates for not reminding me. It's all I can do- displace blame. :blush:
Quote from: dalebert on August 22, 2008, 12:00 PM NHFT
I just realized this morning that I forgot to go again. :-\
I got onto my roommates for not reminding me. It's all I can do- displace blame. :blush:
It's okay. Chris and Jim have been helping as well :)
Like Toby said, we'd like to have stations outside NH too. I'm looking for stations in Vermont and Maine especially.
Quote from: dalebert on August 22, 2008, 12:00 PM NHFT
I just realized this morning that I forgot to go again. :-\
I got onto my roommates for not reminding me. It's all I can do- displace blame. :blush:
Get a copy of Chameleon Clock ( for your computer. You can set alarms and they pop up to remind you of stuff. Helpful for busy people that spend lots of time on the computer.