From this Yahoo! News ( article:
A Portsmouth, N.H., man has been jailed on a felony charge of violating a protective order after he allegedly showed his middle finger to the person who filed it. The two were dining separately at a restaurant on Jan. 24 when police said a 42-year-old man made the gesture.
A police affidavit said the man eventually left "with some assistance from restaurant staff."
Police Sgt. Kuffer Kaltenborn said violation of protective order charges can be brought as felonies when the allegations are second offenses. However, he said, the city prosecution office is expected to dismiss the felony against the man on Monday, leaving a misdemeanor count of stalking.
The man was being held at the Rockingham County House of Corrections on $7,500 cash and $7,500 personal recognizance bail.
PS: what is the correct way to attribute or link to such an article? I found it on Yahoo! News, but they link to the original article on, and Associate Press is credited.
I would say you did it correctly, as long as the link sends me to the article I'm happy. I'm not a professional :)
when one has a RO on them, it is their duty, and trust me it is in their best interest to RUN as fast as they can away from the person who took it out.
Forget flipping the person off, even an accidental meeting is cause to be arrested and held without bail.
RO's are the most dangerous restriction of a persons liberty ever legislated IMHO
Where the cops there?
Or are they just taking on person's word for it?