Judging by the number of people not affiliated with the Freekeene.com people, todays smokeoff was our most successful rally/protest ever.
The police, (2) both stopped, waited around for a bit, then left. ;D
I heard estimates as high as 80-100 people throughout the half hour or so this went on. (that number seems high, but this still had a large number of people there. Union Leader article on yesterdays smokeoff.
This is being promoted as a daily event at 4:20 in the afternoon.
We would love to have libertarian activists there to have the massive turnout needed to deter (peacefully) any police aggression as well as help influence the direction.
I believe 80 is the most counted at one time, but people were coming and going which is where the 100 estimate comes from.
please post good pictures of you guys, so we don't have to rely on the judgement of the UL reporters ;)
I think we've reached a turning point: neither of this week's UL articles mentioned/creditedblamed Free Staters for these gatherings.
Quote from: KBCraig on September 25, 2009, 10:41 AM NHFT
I think we've reached a turning point: neither of this week's UL articles mentioned/creditedblamed Free Staters for these gatherings.
The movement in Keene is long past being a Free Stater movement. The locals are getting more and more involved. We are little more than seeds. I always associate with Free Keene. Not particularly proud of the FSP these days. Much more interested in branding Free Keene. Sorry, just finished Moon is a Harsh Mistress and still lapse into kind of talking like a loonie.
I counted 85 people at the height of the event today.