New Hampshire Underground

New Hampshire Underground => General Discussion => Topic started by: olehenry on November 23, 2005, 01:05 PM NHFT

Title: "underground"
Post by: olehenry on November 23, 2005, 01:05 PM NHFT

I am newly interested in the title of this webpage "nhunderground".  I've read a few rants and raves and searched for information in which I am interested.  Still thirsty.

Since this forum is easily accessed by government employees (READ: enforcement officials), what part of it would be considered "underground"?

I do not pay income taxes (have never filed).  I attempt to avoid sales taxes.  I am not a "for the sake of the economy" consumer.  However, I want more.  Is there a process here for truly avoiding government and dealing as much as possible with individuals?

I always *assumed* that "underground" would mean outside, around, beneath, over, etc. the government's reach.  How do I get started?

Olehenry of Arizona
Title: Re: "underground"
Post by: Kat Kanning on November 23, 2005, 01:24 PM NHFT
Hi Olehenry,

I chose the name NHUnderground sort of tongue and cheek.  While trying to work with the FSP, I'd often found myself being thwarted, so I figured if things were going to happen, we'd have to go "underground" to do it.  We don't actually do anything in secret.  Many of us also do not pay income taxes.  But we've not being trying to hide.  More like taking the government on publically and hopefully humiliating them.

Many of us are interested in dealing with each other rather than the government.  I believe part of the "tuath" that's being set up involves doing business among ourselves.  You might want to check it out :)
Title: Re: "underground"
Post by: Russell Kanning on November 23, 2005, 02:48 PM NHFT
The government thugs can't keep track of everything happening on the internet. Some of what happens here is subversion right under their noses. :)
Title: Re: "underground"
Post by: FTL_Ian on November 23, 2005, 02:58 PM NHFT
Heh.. when Russell INVITED a cop to come read the forum, the cop replied that he was too scared to click the link!   :o

I would say the first step to getting the state out of your life should be to come to NH and be with like minded people!   ;)
Title: Re: "underground"
Post by: olehenry on November 23, 2005, 11:45 PM NHFT
Quote from: katdillon on November 23, 2005, 01:24 PM NHFT
Hi Olehenry,

I chose the name NHUnderground sort of tongue and cheek.? While trying to work with the FSP, I'd often found myself being thwarted, so I figured if things were going to happen, we'd have to go "underground" to do it.? We don't actually do anything in secret.? Many of us also do not pay income taxes.? But we've not being trying to hide.? More like taking the government on publically and hopefully humiliating them.

[Who are "them"?  I've not understood why anyone working for the government would be humiliated by dissent.  It appears to me the government positions of pay are easiest to secure (no market demand, only a year-long law allocating a sum of taxed funds).  Each public servant has no self-worth left to defend (from our outcries).  I don't think humiliation is a good teaching method. --OleH]

Many of us are interested in dealing with each other rather than the government.? I believe part of the "tuath" that's being set up involves doing business among ourselves.? You might want to check it out :)?

[Checked it out, thanks.  Count me out of the tuath, unless it is actually a "fantasy anarchy" game.  Exchanging contact information and building a reputation based on the interactions is enough for me.  However, if your arbitration team builds an awesome reputation, I (and my disputant) may like to hire them one day...  --OleH]

[Moving to an area where my neighbors and friends are serious about living freely is attractive.  For now, I have my sister and three other family members (not blood related) here in AZ.  With them, short and long term mutual benefit with a purpose of maximizing integrated lifetime happiness is rewarding compared to interactions with the mainstream where I must protect my self and property as if I too were a disposable gear turning slave.

I actually do not mind having just four family members.  Currently, I am not healthy enough to interact with more than four -- they supply all that I want from non-me :)  "Me" though, has a lot of work to do in order to become "healthier".  In school for problem-solving; studying my body so that I may become a master of my physical being; studying my action history in order to discover negative actions and thinking patterns and meanwhile developing skills which will maximize my integrated lifetime happiness.  Note: In order to take this seriously, I must know that I will never perish... here on earth.  I must live forever, or at least a very very long time.  And I think I can do it.

Soon I will be able to market skills.  Currently collecting info about others' skills for trade.  Can barely wait to contract with each of you someday!   --Olehenry]
Title: Re: "underground"
Post by: Michael Fisher on November 24, 2005, 12:37 AM NHFT
Welcome to the NH Underground, olehenry!  :)
Title: Re: "underground"
Post by: Kat Kanning on November 24, 2005, 04:44 AM NHFT
Seems like that's the only way to be healthy.  Doctors are useless.  You gotta do the research yourself.  Seems like I've spent half my time the last couple months just researching asthsma.
Title: Re: "underground"
Post by: MattLeft on November 24, 2005, 11:37 AM NHFT
quote author=olehenry link=topic=2321.msg38768#msg38768 date=1132811146
"In order to take this seriously, I must know that I will never perish... here on earth.  I must live forever, or at least a very very long time.  And I think I can do it."


Just out of curiosity, I see you pen the above statement, and also see you're from Arizona.  Are you, by any chance referring to ALCOR?  They're based in Scottsdale and are all about the immortality concept.

Title: Re: "underground"
Post by: Pat McCotter on November 24, 2005, 11:57 AM NHFT
Quote from: olehenry on November 23, 2005, 11:45 PM NHFT

I actually do not mind having just four family members.? Currently, I am not healthy enough to interact with more than four -- they supply all that I want from non-me :)? "Me" though, has a lot of work to do in order to become "healthier".? In school for problem-solving; studying my body so that I may become a master of my physical being; studying my action history in order to discover negative actions and thinking patterns and meanwhile developing skills which will maximize my integrated lifetime happiness.? Note: In order to take this seriously, I must know that I will never perish... here on earth.? I must live forever, or at least a very very long time.? And I think I can do it.

Soon I will be able to market skills.? Currently collecting info about others' skills for trade.? Can barely wait to contract with each of you someday!? ?--Olehenry]

Hmmm... I read a book once called "Me" by Thomas T. Thomas (

'ME' is a self aware artificial intelligence created by a software firm in San Francisco. He is not limited to one machine, at least by his original programming. We see him born. We see him grow. We see him rebel. Still and all, he's cute, not scary. Unless you think about it..

Welcome olehenry!
Title: Re: "underground"
Post by: Kat Kanning on November 24, 2005, 12:16 PM NHFT
I know someone "residing" in Alcor.
Title: Re: "underground"
Post by: olehenry on November 24, 2005, 12:19 PM NHFT
Quote from: TheDUDE on November 24, 2005, 11:37 AM NHFT
Olehenry wrote:
"In order to take this seriously, I must know that I will never perish... here on earth.? I must live forever, or at least a very very long time.? And I think I can do it."


Just out of curiosity, I see you pen the above statement, and also see you're from Arizona.? Are you, by any chance referring to ALCOR?? They're based in Scottsdale and are all about the immortality concept.


I've taken the ALCOR tour and learned a little about their history.  For now, maybe the best option.  I have not reserved a spot, though I am saving for this.  Last time I checked it was $80K to freeze the head plus a yearly "standby" fee to keep the ambulence crew ready and rarin' to go get you at the drop of your hat.

More importantly, I refer to a simple idea:  a human being, knowing s/he is to perish in 80 years, has much less incentive to take full responsibility for actions while maintaining a strong reputation
one who lives for a much longer time (and who desires this).

For example, the tuath idea.  If the signers of these social contracts knew they would live forever (or many "lifetimes"), the incentive to interact with others to mutual benefit would be higher than for one who knew life would end sooner, say 40-60 years later.  There is a lot more on the line if you are immortal :)  And you are reassured an other too will have incentive to take full responsibility for hir actions, since s/he too shares this attitude.

As I stated previously, I think such a tuath idea would be fun practice (as a game maybe at first) and could generate important discussion.  Tuesday night tuath night!  Meet at my house...say around dusk?! :)

Contracting with an other who also attempts to maximize hir integrated lifetime happiness (think in terms of area under the curve...the further you extend that x-axis "time" the larger your area)  -- I can't think of anything I want more!

To the future...   clink clink
Title: Re: "underground"
Post by: Pat McCotter on November 24, 2005, 12:36 PM NHFT
The Long Now Foundation ( 10,000 Year Clock (
Title: Re: "underground"
Post by: olehenry on November 24, 2005, 12:39 PM NHFT
Quote from: patmccotter on November 24, 2005, 11:57 AM NHFT
Quote from: olehenry on November 23, 2005, 11:45 PM NHFT
<snipped some stuff>...? "Me" though, has a lot of work to do in order to become "healthier"... <snipped other stuff>--Olehenry]

Hmmm... I read a book once called "Me" by Thomas T. Thomas (

'ME' is a self aware artificial intelligence created by a software firm in San Francisco. He is not limited to one machine, at least by his original programming. We see him born. We see him grow. We see him rebel. Still and all, he's cute, not scary. Unless you think about it..

Welcome olehenry!

Now that sounds like a story!  Thanks, I checked out the link.  Found a seller with 98% positive feedback with whom I will exhange.

Thanks to all welcomes.  I am not a big group fan and will obstain from most replies.  My purpose on this site is 1.) to establish underground connections and 2.) review ideas for avoiding the gov't "services".

Additionally, I am stumped on how to convince others that living forever is a good thing.  However, if many (?)people recognize the ramifications of living forever, I see competing with governments and putting them out of business to be a worthwhile vision.  3.) Discussions about this are interesting to me as well.

Keep up the good work...and improve.
Title: Re: "underground"
Post by: cathleeninnh on November 24, 2005, 03:49 PM NHFT
Gosh, everyone I know gets alot more responsible when they realize they aren't going to live forever.

Title: Re: "underground"
Post by: olehenry on November 24, 2005, 04:28 PM NHFT
Quote from: cathleeninnh on November 24, 2005, 03:49 PM NHFT
Gosh, everyone I know gets alot more responsible when they realize they aren't going to live forever.


Now you know one person who does not, me.  >:D advocate asks:
Can you please explain your sentence?

Title: Re: "underground"
Post by: MattLeft on November 24, 2005, 04:41 PM NHFT
I've been an ALCOR member for 5 years.  If anyone has any questions or curiosities, I'd be glad to share my knowledge (or maybe if you're a Ted Williams fan??).
Title: Re: "underground"
Post by: cathleeninnh on November 24, 2005, 04:50 PM NHFT
Quote from: olehenry on November 24, 2005, 04:28 PM NHFT
Quote from: cathleeninnh on November 24, 2005, 03:49 PM NHFT
Gosh, everyone I know gets alot more responsible when they realize they aren't going to live forever.


Now you know one person who does not, me.? >:D advocate asks:
Can you please explain your sentence?


Something plentiful is cheap. Something limited is precious. As we age, life and what we can make of it gets more important.

Title: Re: "underground"
Post by: olehenry on November 24, 2005, 05:24 PM NHFT
Quote from: patmccotter on November 24, 2005, 12:36 PM NHFT
The Long Now Foundation ( 10,000 Year Clock (

That was a fun read.  I *should* be finishing my chem lab reports and working on my calc take-home but no, I'd rather imagine living 10,000 more years in order to simply celebrate the clock's birthday.

How about that Orrery?
"The Orrery is a ten foot tall planet tracking display. The lower half is a mechanical binary calculation engine. Each layer is calculating the orbit if one of the six human eye visible planets (Mercury through Saturn) to 28 bits of accuracy. The Orrery is primarily made of monel (a nickel copper alloy), and stainless steel. The planet spheres are ground from natural stones that resemble each planet they represent."
Title: Re: "underground"
Post by: Pat McCotter on November 24, 2005, 05:28 PM NHFT
BTW, olehenry, anxiety isn't conducive to long life (your mood ;) )
Title: Re: "underground"
Post by: olehenry on November 24, 2005, 05:47 PM NHFT
Quote from: patmccotter on November 24, 2005, 05:28 PM NHFT
BTW, olehenry, anxiety isn't conducive to long life (your mood ;) )

I'm working on it...
Title: Re: "underground"
Post by: olehenry on November 24, 2005, 06:37 PM NHFT
Quote from: cathleeninnh on November 24, 2005, 04:50 PM NHFT
Quote from: olehenry on November 24, 2005, 04:28 PM NHFT
Quote from: cathleeninnh on November 24, 2005, 03:49 PM NHFT
Gosh, everyone I know gets alot more responsible when they realize they aren't going to live forever.


Now you know one person who does not, me.? >:D advocate asks:
Can you please explain your sentence?


Something plentiful is cheap. Something limited is precious. As we age, life and what we can make of it gets more important.


Dear Cathleen,
Your additional 3 sentences are a good start toward an explanation.  Please continue.

Why?  I cannot rely on any of those sentences as valid ideas without a context.  1) Not everything plentiful is cheap (think about government-regulated products and services  >:( ).  2) Limited things are not always precious.  3) The value of life IMO does not increase as the time remaining decreases.
If you would like my participation, please expand.
Title: Re: "underground"
Post by: KBCraig on November 24, 2005, 07:16 PM NHFT
Am I the only one hearing the Twilight Zone music in the background?
Title: Re: "underground"
Post by: Pat K on November 24, 2005, 07:30 PM NHFT
Quote from: KBCraig on November 24, 2005, 07:16 PM NHFT
Am I the only one hearing the Twilight Zone music in the background?

Oh good I thought it was just me.
Title: Re: "underground"
Post by: olehenry on November 26, 2005, 08:31 PM NHFT
Quote from: olehenry on November 24, 2005, 06:37 PM NHFT
Quote from: cathleeninnh on November 24, 2005, 04:50 PM NHFT
Quote from: olehenry on November 24, 2005, 04:28 PM NHFT
Quote from: cathleeninnh on November 24, 2005, 03:49 PM NHFT
Gosh, everyone I know gets alot more responsible when they realize they aren't going to live forever.


Now you know one person who does not, me.? >:D advocate asks:
Can you please explain your sentence?


Something plentiful is cheap. Something limited is precious. As we age, life and what we can make of it gets more important.


Dear Cathleen,
Your additional 3 sentences are a good start toward an explanation.? Please continue.

Why?? I cannot rely on any of those sentences as valid ideas without a context.? 1) Not everything plentiful is cheap (think about government-regulated products and services? >:( ).? 2) Limited things are not always precious.? 3) The value of life IMO does not increase as the time remaining decreases.
If you would like my participation, please expand.

What do others think of being satisfied living in a world in which you expect to die somewhere along a continuum (0-100 years)?

What do others think of the relationship between "percent of responsibility" and lifetime?

I understand that this country (maybe the world now) has a heavy influence from the Christian ideals which were further developed by contemporary philosophers:
that one *should* sacrifice values in order that "society" or "everyone" or "the future generations" be happier and healthier.  Does this influence have meaning to anyone here?

Why is this a mutually beneficial motivation for living?

Why is it maximally beneficial?
Title: Re: "underground"
Post by: Caleb on November 26, 2005, 08:51 PM NHFT
Success is counted sweetest
By those who ne'er succeed.
To comprehend a nectar
Requires sorest need.

Not one of all the purple host
Who took the flag to-day
Can tell the definition,
So clear, of victory!

As he, defeated, dying,
On whose forbidden ear
The distant strains of triumph
Burst agonized and clear!
Title: Re: "underground"
Post by: John on November 26, 2005, 09:20 PM NHFT
I live now.  I plan to be here tomorrow.
Each day that I live is another opertunity towards more freedom.

What kind of future do you plan to create?
This is the first "underground" of the future.
Title: Re: "underground"
Post by: Michael Fisher on November 26, 2005, 11:39 PM NHFT
Quote from: John on November 26, 2005, 09:20 PM NHFT
I live now.? I plan to be here tomorrow.
Each day that I live is another opertunity towards more freedom.

What kind of future do you plan to create?
This is the first "underground" of the future.

Title: Re: "underground"
Post by: Russell Kanning on November 27, 2005, 07:22 AM NHFT
The underground can be common knowledge and yet some of it can be secret or some of our members can be unknown.

To me the nickname has never been important ..... if another one comes along, we can go with it. :)
Title: Re: "underground"
Post by: olehenry on November 28, 2005, 07:13 PM NHFT
Quote from: olehenry on November 24, 2005, 05:47 PM NHFT
Quote from: patmccotter on November 24, 2005, 05:28 PM NHFT
BTW, olehenry, anxiety isn't conducive to long life (your mood ;) )

I'm working on it...

...have been curious all day today  :o

I predict anxiety tomorrow as I finish my calc test.  :-\