Hi all,
There was a bad hail storm and tornado in Exeter today. The tornado dropped down at about 1:30 in Swazey Parkway which is right off the downtown commercial area. The Hailstorm was very bad, lots of golf ball sized hail with some baseball sized mixed in. Hundreds of cars were damaged (including mine and my room mates) and windows on houses were smashed and vinyl siding shattered. All the car dealers in town lost there entire inventories due to hail damage. This was the worst storm I've seen since the hurricane of '63 (?).
Oh, and Walgreen's roof collapsed.
Quick call FEMA!
Quote from: Dreepa on July 11, 2006, 10:19 PM NHFT
Quick call FEMA!
You want the FEMA credit cards, don't you? :D
Now for the flood: the flood of mobile hail repair shops. They'll be working out of vans and under EZ-up awnings in parking lots all through the affected area, offering "paintless dent repair" for cars.
They mostly do good work, but you have to remember that once their work there is done, you'll never see them again. They live on the road, going from one storm area to the next.
It's also a good chance to buy a brand new car for cheap, if you don't mind driving one that looks like it's been pounded with a ball peen hammer.
Quote from: KBCraig on July 11, 2006, 11:08 PM NHFT
Now for the flood: the flood of mobile hail repair shops. They'll be working out of vans and under EZ-up awnings in parking lots all through the affected area, offering "paintless dent repair" for cars.
They mostly do good work, but you have to remember that once their work there is done, you'll never see them again. They live on the road, going from one storm area to the next.
It's also a good chance to buy a brand new car for cheap, if you don't mind driving one that looks like it's been pounded with a ball peen hammer.
I'll keep my eyes open for them.
I'll be looking for a new used car cheap.
How is it that no one ever seems to catch 'baseball siezed' Hailstones on film?
I saw it once on a tornado show on the weather channel or somewhere.
They were splashing into a pool in Minn.
Guaranteed .... you will be declared a disaster area.
Quote from: Lloyd Danforth on July 12, 2006, 07:33 AM NHFT
How is it that no one ever seems to catch 'baseball siezed' Hailstones on film?
Quote from: Lloyd Danforth on July 12, 2006, 07:33 AM NHFT
How is it that no one ever seems to catch 'baseball siezed' Hailstones on film?
Well, Lloyd, there were not a lot of them, but they did exist. I wasn't about to go out and save one for you. (Not interested in getting hit in the head by one, thank you)
I ran into a fellow today who had his window open while driving in the hailstorm. He got hit on the side of the face with a baseball sized chunk of hail. It raised one hell of a welt on his face.
Moral: Don't open your car window in a hailstorm. ;D
We got an e-mail from our car insurance company asking if we had damage as they have adjusters in the county.
We had a Tornado in NY, I was hoping it would drop a house on a certain Senator, but no such luck.