Just wondering. Knowing how you found us will help us market this place.
I discovered it because Kat Dillion told me about it the day she built it LOL. altho it was just the Underground forum then, didn't have the NHfree.com name.
Russell suggested it. He was in love with wikis.
I heard about it when I was asked by you to register the domain names:
Since that time NH33.com's registration has lapsed.
I think we've had good growth since then (Jan 2005), and look forward to reading how others found the site.
FTL.. I forget where I found FTL but Ian suggested it
I heard about it over on the FSP site, during my pre-NH days, when I was thinking about moving up here.
Just look what happened. >:D
i think i first heard about it on free talk live
I think i found i on the fsp-forum but i am not really sure.
I've been here so long I don't remember any more...
But seriously, FSP to FTL to here. Though I have absolutely no idea how I tripped over the FSP web site in the first place (probably an unrelated web search). As usual, I'm part of an utterly useless demographic :P
Referred by a member.
Well I was on my 26th beer and.........
In a round about way I heard about it on Alex Jones radio show.
Someone called in and mentioned the FSP.
I went to the FSP web site liked what I read and it went from there.
Listen to Alex Jones Live
from 11AM-2PM and from 9PM
-Midnight Central Mon-Fri
Alex Jones is worth listening to.
He has a lot of prominent guest and he fights for freedom and liberty everyday.
I googled it. NH + underground + libertarian + resistence Figured there had to be some non-sheeple in NH somewhere.
FSP forums for me, as well. I joined right about the time Kat was having a falling out with the leadership. I remembered the announcement about the Underground forums, but I was too busy catching up with all the information on the FSP site.
I had also assumed that the Underground amounted to sour grapes. Wrongly, I'm glad to say!
I've gladly been here since March 11, 2005. For some time, both forums were equally busy, but then the greenies and georgies ran wild over at FSP, pretty much killing any meaningful discussion. I stopped checking both forums several times per day, and dropped my FSP forum participation to once every two or three days.
The traffic on the Underground has gone through the roof. There's a lot of excitement here!
I think I was walking thru a Trailer Park in Keene when someone came out of an alley and said, "Psst!......Psst!.....New Hampshire Underground!"
I heard about it when they announced it on the FSP forum.
My Hubby ;D
FTL led me to FSP and that to NH Underground. now that's a slippery slope! :icon_pirat:
Somebody asked me if I was on the nhfree forums, and suggested that I would fit in there. I don't remember who it was though.
Quote from: DadaOrwell on August 09, 2006, 05:00 PM NHFT
Just wondering. Knowing how you found us will help us market this place.
I came over after Dada started posting on the Merrimack Forum.
Hi, I did a google search on states that were involved in political activism and the free state project came up and then I started posting there and someone at free state forum suggested I post here also.
I am recovering from surgery right now and cannot wait until I am better so I can really start getting involved in issues that I have strong beliefs in.
I am not sure if we can change what is going on in our country but I feel I have to try and not sit there and say "oh well".
If anything I will know that I've tried and I really hope we are all successful with what changes we are trying to make for the good of our future and our children, grandchildren, other people's famililies also.
There comes a point in some people's lives where they ask themselves, "what can I do", "is there a bigger purpose in my life that I am missing", and I've been at that point for a few years now but have felt helpless not knowing there were such large groups trying to achieve the same things I have been wanting to.
Power in numbers, my mother always taught us, so now that I've found this group and the Free State Project I do not feel alone in the battle.
I 'found' this forum in Feb 05 right not too long after it was started. I think I heard about it on the FSP boards.
ACTION not words. Part of the reason I made the move so soon.
I think I noticed it mentioned on the FSP site but did not check it out right away. I then heard Ian talking about the NHFree site on FTL. The topic on FTL really made me want to know more so I looked in to the NHfree site, I now use the NHFree fourms more then any other forum site.
I was turned on to the FSP by a interview on one of the National Public Radio shows, this was a long time ago I think before the state was chosen. I did not join the FSP until about 2 years ago when I really noticed we are in a police state.
FSP forum...I think
This probably should have been a poll. I came from the FSP forum.
I thought there was an option to add a poll after the fact, but I guess not.
Good ole FTL
FSP Forums
Voices in my head.
FSP forum here.
Follow :)
Quote from: katdillon on August 10, 2006, 04:49 PM NHFT
Voices in my head.
That's how I came across NHFree too, but the voice was Ian's :D
Now THAT's scary! :hiding:
The voice in my head sounds like Gene Hackman
In chronological order:
- Sierra Times (http://www.sierratimes.com)
- FSP (http://www.freestateproject.org)
- NH Underground (http://www.nhfree.com)
- Free Talk Live (http://www.freetalklive.com)
I knew about the FSP, but it was Russell going to the airport that got me interested. Went to PorcFest 05... meet some good folks. Dave Ridley talked about the NHunderground forum... I thought I'm just going to lurk cuz these people are going to get the attention of the "man".
Look at me now. ;D
I think I read something about the FSP over at marijuana.com and kind of laughed thinking "are they still trying to do that?" :D I googled to the FSP site which sent me here.
I honestly don't even remember! Probably from the FSP boards. But I hadn't been going their for awhile because of lack of activity when I found this place so maybe not.
Quote from: Pat K on August 10, 2006, 05:54 PM NHFT
The voice in my head sounds like Gene Hackman
i have to admit, ian's voice pops in my head randomly because i find it very amusing the way he says "thiiis is free talk live!".
I heard about soulawakenings on the radio, which was really hard to to remember. I heard about it again at porc fest, this time with the nhfree.com moniker. I was kind of surprised that this wasn't done sooner, because I was trying to tell other people about the website, but I just couldn't remember it.
Okie here's how it breaks down so far:
free state project forum: IIIII IIIII IIII
free talk live IIIII I
Member referral - IIIII
googled search for related topic II
porcfest - I
sierra times - I
Merrimack forum - I
I heard about it on freelunchproject.com (http://freelunchproject.com). Now THAT is a great site.
Yours in Dependence,
Dayvee Souter
Quote from: DadaOrwell on August 24, 2006, 05:18 PM NHFT
Okie here's how it breaks down so far:
free state project forum: IIIII IIIII IIII
free talk live IIIII I
Member referral - IIIII
googled search for related topic II
porcfest - I
sierra times - I
Merrimack forum - I
Dave! You must learn the proper way of tallying items. This is five items -
////. :-X ;D
Here you go.
free state project forum: IIII IIII IIII
free talk live IIII I
Member referral - IIII
googled search for related topic II
porcfest - I
sierra times - I
Merrimack forum - I
Through the FSP forums.
Kat invited me....and said I could be the president :P
Quote from: Pat McCotter on August 25, 2006, 03:05 AM NHFT
Dave! You must learn the proper way of tallying items.
Come mister tally-man, tally me discoveries...
rainey wrote:
>>so now that I've found this group and the Free State Project I do not feel alone in the battle.>>
Feel alone, you do not
For alone, you are not
- OrwellYoda
Here goes my breakdown.
Listened to FTL for a few months.
Went FSP site.
Decided to move to NH.
Was directed to Kat.
Kat told me about this site.
Met a bunch of you for Pizza.
I'm home. ;D
Quote from: Nikiya on August 29, 2006, 10:12 PM NHFT
Here goes my breakdown.
Listened to FTL for a few months.
Went FSP site.
Decided to move to NH.
Was directed to Kat.
Kat told me about this site.
Met a bunch of you for Pizza.
I'm home. ;D
Oh my god... I am tearing up... think I am gonna have a little cry...
No wait, better yet, I have an idea!
School just started. I think the NH High School students need FTL flyers!
Headline: "What is the GOVERNMENT SCHOOL not teaching you!??!!"
It could leverage the material already on my TooL flyers (http://img182.imageshack.us/img182/2153/ftlflyertooltranskl7.gif).
Maybe also include the NHFree.com URL.
And along the border, the recycle symbol and the request to "please don't litter -- recycle or give to a friend when done!"
Maybe I can get some volunteers to help pass these out at the main NH high schools... in Manchester, Nashua, and Concord...
I find that talking to high school students about liberty is easy and effective. I have fun talking to the kids at work. Most of them don't really have political opinions, except maybe what they have heard their parents talk about.
Quote from: d_goddard on August 30, 2006, 08:38 PM NHFT
Oh my god... I am tearing up... think I am gonna have a little cry...
No wait, better yet, I have an idea!
School just started. I think the NH High School students need FTL flyers!
Headline: "What is the GOVERNMENT SCHOOL not teaching you!??!!"
It could leverage the material already on my TooL flyers (http://img182.imageshack.us/img182/2153/ftlflyertooltranskl7.gif).
Maybe also include the NHFree.com URL.
And along the border, the recycle symbol and the request to "please don't litter -- recycle or give to a friend when done!"
Maybe I can get some volunteers to help pass these out at the main NH high schools... in Manchester, Nashua, and Concord...
Good idea, though your volunteers will have to be students, as you are probably aware.
Quote from: FTL_Ian on August 30, 2006, 09:54 PM NHFT
Quote from: d_goddard on August 30, 2006, 08:38 PM NHFT
Oh my god... I am tearing up... think I am gonna have a little cry...
No wait, better yet, I have an idea!
School just started. I think the NH High School students need FTL flyers!
Headline: "What is the GOVERNMENT SCHOOL not teaching you!??!!"
It could leverage the material already on my TooL flyers (http://img182.imageshack.us/img182/2153/ftlflyertooltranskl7.gif).
Maybe also include the NHFree.com URL.
And along the border, the recycle symbol and the request to "please don't litter -- recycle or give to a friend when done!"
Maybe I can get some volunteers to help pass these out at the main NH high schools... in Manchester, Nashua, and Concord...
Good idea, though your volunteers will have to be students, as you are probably aware.
I'm not so sure of that.
I was thinking of using the public areas near the schools, not the school property itself.
I'm not so sure of that.
I was thinking of using the public areas near the schools, not the school property itself.
Thats a great idea, I use to do that when I was starting my concert production company.
We would hit one highschool in the morning, then hit a couple of college parking lots during the day, then hit another highschool when they were getting out, then hit the clubs at night.
FSP -> FTL -> FTL Forum -> NH Underground
with regard to the leafletting at schools idea, it might be fun to start inside the school right after the closing bell and work your way out as they force you to move. You'd get twice as much attention from students if you were backing out slowly with a sign aimed at their bureaucrats.
On December 11th, 2004 Seth Cohn (in a Participants-only board) suggested the FSP forum was the wrong place to be discussing the U.N. flag burn. He suggested Kat's NH Underground might be a better place (it was only a wiki then).
I tended to agree with him, as I thought NH Activists should have a place that would survive the FSP to plan their activism, and draw native residents.
Dada asked where in NH activism should be planned. Kat said she would set up this forum but worried it would take traffic from the FSP forums.
So basically, this is all Seth's fault. Thanks Seth!
Quote from: DadaOrwell on September 01, 2006, 08:07 AM NHFT
it might be fun to start inside the school
For myself, I would prefer to be outside the school and firmly within my established state-recognized legal rights for this particular activity. Furthermore I plan to check with city and school officials as to any guidelines they have for distributing commercial advertising.
SCOTUS has made clear that purely political speech is the least restricted, whereas commercial speech is the most restricted. In this case, I'll be handing out flyers asking young people to listen to a radio program and podcast, and visit a particular website (nhfree.com)
While the case could certainly be made that:
a) this is primarily political, not commercial, speech, and
b) I'm free to make speech of any non-defamatory kind on public property anyway
... the above are NOT challenges I which to invest my time and energy on at this point. I just want to get the FSP/FTL/NHFree message to a large number of NH high school students. I especially want to engage the young people who *don't* consider themselves politically active, who think of themselves as normal, mainstream kids...
... because I want to live in a society 10 years from now, where the normal, mainstream of working-age people know in their gut that government is force, government is inefficient, taxation is theft, one owns one's own body, and property rights are sacred.
What prize does Dada get when the 1st person posts, "I saw NHfree.com on somebodies forehead."?
Quote from: Russell Kanning on September 01, 2006, 10:32 AM NHFT
What prize does Dada get when the 1st person posts, "I saw NHfree.com on somebodies forehead."?
Free haircut from an unlicensed stylist
QuoteFor myself, I would prefer to be outside the school and firmly within my established state-recognized legal rights for this particular activity.
for freedom of speech those would be anywhere you have a legal right of way that is held in common as an individual right - on a sidewalk without infringing on anyone else's equal rights - and in a public building where the expressed purpose of the event is the free exchange of ideas like the high school auditorium where there is a Q&A period after a debate or public lecture.
Quote from: FrankChodorov on September 01, 2006, 11:22 AM NHFT
QuoteFor myself, I would prefer to be outside the school and firmly within my established state-recognized legal rights for this particular activity.
for freedom of speech those would be anywhere you have a legal right of way that is held in common as an individual right - on a sidewalk without infringing on anyone else's equal rights
Yeah, I'm pretty sure about that one, since I see vendors doing flyering ang giveaways all the time on sidewalks in larger cities.
Still, it's a courtesey to let the school administrators know, or ask if they have any concerns. There's a difference between what the law requires, and what a particularly curteous person does, befroe engaging in some activity.
Quote from: FrankChodorov on September 01, 2006, 11:22 AM NHFT
- and in a public building where the expressed purpose of the event is the free exchange of ideas like the high school auditorium where there is a Q&A period after a debate or public lecture.
That's where one could easily run afoul of the "commercial speech" vs "political speech" aspect, which I have no intention of testing at this time.
Quote from: Jon Maltz on September 01, 2006, 09:05 AM NHFT
Kat said she would set up this forum but worried it would take traffic from the FSP forums.
and it has. ;D
Competition is a bitch! ;D
FSP has forums?
I found this from Free Talk Live, where else? :)
Quote from: error on September 12, 2006, 06:28 AM NHFT
FSP has forums?
Seriously. I've tried twice to get onto the forums there and both times they screwed up my login and password and don't respond to my email inquiries, so... I guess it's their loss, and you all at nhfree.com get to bask in my presence. ;-)
Quote from: 9thmoon on September 12, 2006, 06:09 PM NHFT
Quote from: error on September 12, 2006, 06:28 AM NHFT
FSP has forums?
Seriously. I've tried twice to get onto the forums there and both times they screwed up my login and password and don't respond to my email inquiries, so... I guess it's their loss, and you all at nhfree.com get to bask in my presence. ;-)
You can PM Jon Maltz on this forum if you want in on the FSP forum... but there is not much going on there.
They don't allow you to plan projects there, so I'm not interested in being there.
Quote from: Russell Kanning on September 01, 2006, 10:32 AM NHFT
What prize does Dada get when the 1st person posts, "I saw NHfree.com on somebodies forehead."?
dunno but i hope it's not the same prize the antichrist gets when he says "I saw 666 on howard wilson's forehead at the Real ID hearing" LOL
And they don't let you call them CENSORED....
i found it with free talk live...and voices in my head :)
Quote from: Money Dollars on September 12, 2006, 08:12 PM NHFT
And they don't let you call them CENSORED....
I don't censor people, I ask them to take it outside.
You also, apparently, have zero sense of humor.
I was doing a google search on the Winchester Pickle Festival and somehow ended up here. Still not quite sure how...... ???
fisher spent a lot of time on the FSP forums trying to get himself banned, to no avail. He eventually wandered off to greener pastures where he could avail himself of his particular fetish, getting his posts moderated.
We were talking about the pickle festival here. :)
Quote from: Money Dollars on September 13, 2006, 01:57 PM NHFT
Quote from: Jon Maltz on September 13, 2006, 12:14 PM NHFT
fisher spent a lot of time on the FSP forums trying to get himself banned, to no avail. He eventually wandered off to greener pastures where he could avail himself of his particular fetish, getting his posts moderated.
You stupid lying mother fucker. I did get banned from the FSP forum.
I was banned from the FSP forum by Adam Prick. Cry
When you apparently deleted your account in the first half of March 2005 Adam said he did not ban you. I was against banning you, but I was only a moderator at the time, not an admin, so I had no access to the moderation log or ban list. I do see one email address that might be you in the ban list, but that wasn't added until March 31 2005, over two weeks after you deleted yourself. I'd be happy to remove it if you like.
Is it a requirement to be an asshole to be on the FSP BoD, or do you turn into one once you get on the board?
I'll have to get back to you on that.
Quote from: Money Dollars on September 13, 2006, 01:57 PM NHFT
You stupid lying mother fucker
The thing I hate about you is that you pussyfoot around with diplomatic PC working, leaving us all to wonder what's really on your mind ;)
Quote from: Jon Maltz on September 13, 2006, 03:55 PM NHFT
When you apparently deleted your account in the first half of March 2005 Adam said he did not ban you.
Right, I deleted my account, then after a few hours, I recreated it...That is not what I am talking about.
let me quote jason:
QuoteAlso, I note that fisher has been banned. I didn't do that either. Adam decided to do it, and emailed the other moderators about it. Fisher had a libellous signature that Adam asked him to change; when he didn't, Adam changed it for him; when Adam did that, fisher devised the ad hominem attack for his signature, "signature removed by forum Nazis." Since fisher had already been warned before about personal attacks, he was banned this time.
Quote from: Money Dollars on September 13, 2006, 04:25 PM NHFT
Quote from: Jon Maltz on September 13, 2006, 03:55 PM NHFT
When you apparently deleted your account in the first half of March 2005 Adam said he did not ban you.
Right, I deleted my account, then after a few hours, I recreated it...That is not what I am talking about.
let me quote jason:
QuoteAlso, I note that fisher has been banned. I didn't do that either. Adam decided to do it, and emailed the other moderators about it. Fisher had a libellous signature that Adam asked him to change; when he didn't, Adam changed it for him; when Adam did that, fisher devised the ad hominem attack for his signature, "signature removed by forum Nazis." Since fisher had already been warned before about personal attacks, he was banned this time.
Well it is hard to dispute that you are one for personal attacks, as you did call me a stupid lying motherfucker a few posts ago. If you would like to be unbanned you need only ask, but if you go around calling people stupid lying mother fuckers, you might be asked to take it elsewhere, like the MotheringDotCommune forums.
Why would I want to be unbanned. ???
Fuck stupid FSP forum.
Quote from: Money Dollars on September 13, 2006, 05:29 PM NHFT
Why would I want to be unbanned. ???
Fuck stupid FSP forum.
Your unique insight and method of interacting with people will surely be missed over there.
I joined the day the Underground started, just seven hours after Russell. I think Kat let me know about it, or I read about it on the FSP forum. Not sure which.
who started this forum ??? kat im guessing?
Back to the issue at hand. FTL showed me the way home. FTL F-ing rocks.
Yeah, i also heard from the free state project and this bulletin board from ftl infact im lisening to the podcast right now