New Hampshire Underground

New Hampshire Underground => NH News => Topic started by: Lloyd Danforth on January 04, 2010, 03:34 PM NHFT

Title: Jury Nullification Bill-State House- Thursday
Post by: Lloyd Danforth on January 04, 2010, 03:34 PM NHFT
Anyone going to this on Thursday? (
Title: Re: Jury Nullification Bill-State House- Thursday
Post by: Porcupine Realtor on January 04, 2010, 06:05 PM NHFT
The NHLA and Denis are doing a State House tour that day along with citizen lobbyist training, so those folks will be at the Jury Nullification hearing.  Hopefully we'll have a good turnout.  Here's more...

WHAT: State House training session: Jury Nullification! Parents' Rights!
WHERE & WHEN: Thursday, Jan 7th. Meet at 9:00 AM in the State House Cafeteria

New Hampshire is unique -- the legislative process is open to the average citizen. YOU can help determine which bills pass, and which are defeated, but only if you know how the process works.

There are two HIGH-IMPACT bills open for public hearing on Thursday, Jan 7. The NHLA is using this opportunity to train new people in the ways of the pro-liberty citizen lobby, and to get experienced lobbyists to the State House to support this legislation.

Meet at 9:00 AM in the State House Cafeteria, located in the basement of the big gold-domed building. Take the stairs near the elevator, or ask anyone you see in the building.

As the saying goes, "when in Rome..."
If this is your first time to the State House, please check (

The bills:
JUDICIARY, room 208, LOB
10:00 a.m. HB 1219, repealing the wartime registration of aliens laws.
10:30 a.m. HB 1500, relative to excuse from jury service.
11:00 a.m. HB 1347, relative to the right of jury nullification.
1:15 p.m. CACR 29, relating to parental rights. Providing that the state shall not abridge the responsibility of parents for the health, education, and welfare of their children.
Title: Re: Jury Nullification Bill-State House- Thursday
Post by: Dave Ridley on January 04, 2010, 08:46 PM NHFT
YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. (
Title: Re: Jury Nullification Bill-State House- Thursday
Post by: Free libertarian on January 04, 2010, 08:52 PM NHFT
 I'm planning on going to Concord to instruct my public servants on Thursday.  ;)