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DARE to protest the (so-called) war on drugs! 5 August 2009

Started by MTPorcupine3, June 19, 2009, 09:09 AM NHFT

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On Wednesday, 5 August 2009 the New Hampshire State Police will be putting on their 19th annual DARE Classic 1-mile Fun Run/Walk (starting at 18:00), and 5-k Road Race (starting at 18:30) at the New Hampshire Motor Speedway (http://www.nhms.com/) in Louden on Route 106, approximately 10 miles north of Concord. Registration begins at 16:00. There will be a K-9 Unit Demo and the event is open to people of all ages.

For more information contact Tfc. Maureen E. Steer, New Hampshire State Police, 603-271-2877. Postal location: NH State Police DARE Classic, 33 Hazen Drive, Concord 03305, or simply go to www.darenh.com.

I propose that our presence be loud and clear (though tactful).

-Pre-register ($15 by 15 July), then show up with a pot shirt or any shirt with an appropriate slogan. Be mindful of the fact that all proceeds will benefit NH DARE, but it might be worth it. If you're barred from participating sue the pants off the offending agency for discrimination.
-Pass out copies of the Constitution and other subversive literature to participants and observers.
-Hold up placards at the Speedway and along the course with appropriate slogans.
-Contact the media and all the drug-freedom organisations across the country to let them know of our plans.
-Hire an aeroplane or balloon with appropriate slogan to fly overhead.

Suggested slogans (and subjects for literature, T-shirts):
DARE to keep your children off Ritalin.
DARE to think for yourself.
DARE to end the 'war on drugs'.
DARE to say no to government.
DARE to own your own body.
Fascism is more dangerous than drugs.
Any slogan extolling the virtues of hemp, pointing out the huge prison population, showing statistics of people dying from alcohol compared to marijuana, medical marijuana, false positive tricks used with dogs, Law Enforcement Against Prohibition, Never Get Busted/Raided DVDs, etc.

Question: Is the Motor Speedway private property? If so, we may have to change our tactics accordingly, but there's nothing to stop us from showing up along the course and in town. Now, let's make it happen!


I have a Tyranny Response Team jacket if a Keeniac attending this wants to borrow it.  I cannot attend, unfortunately.




Good ideas.

Yes, New Hampshire Motor Speedway is owned and operated by Speedway Motorsports, Inc.

Jim Johnson

This would a good place for the ANC(AntiNAZI Clowns).

Clowns are good at brutal police reenactments of drug raids... 'OOPs Wrong Address'... 'It's just a Plant!'... 'Where are you taking my Mommy?'


Quote from: KBCraig on June 19, 2009, 11:59 AM NHFT
Yes, New Hampshire Motor Speedway is owned and operated by Speedway Motorsports, Inc.

Interesting. Government/taxpayer funded event (open to protesters) on private property (protesters subject to the wishes of the property owner). Any thoughts on this?

If our presence as protesters is not welcome on the property, we can certainly set up shop along the course and in town. Unless someone has the guts (gall?) to register and then show up at the race with provocative T-shirts.


I learned about the event thanks to some pamphlets left at the Grafton Country Store. I'd like for activists to leave counter-DARE pamphlets about and to have them ready to pass out at or near the event. Before I draft my own pamphlet, is there any good pamphlet that already exists?


Kat Kanning



 ;D Joking aside, I have a tentative plan to visit the motor speedway on Tuesday for a recon.

Kat Kanning


Quote from: MTPorcupine3 on June 21, 2009, 11:14 AM NHFT
Joking aside, I have a tentative plan to visit the motor speedway on Tuesday for a recon.

That never happened, as I was extra busy with work and then went to Porc Fest.

At Porc Fest I spoke briefly with Matt Simon about the event. He was very enthusiastic about it. So was everyone I spoke to about it. One guy told me that he heard from Matt that he's hoping to get 7,000 people there.

It looks to be taking on a life of its own, which is what I was hoping for.

More to be posted after the recon actually happens, and as plans begin to materialise. No one I talked to seemed to be aware of the event, so anything you can do to spread the word and get others on board will help.


I'm in, but not willing to give them 15 FRNs to inadvertently encourage kids to take drugs.