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Foster's Daily Democrat (Dover) about the Strafford Straw Poll

Started by MTPorcupine3, August 20, 2007, 08:55 PM NHFT

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[from Ron Paul meetup forum--Rich]

Subject: More shoddy journalism

From: Liz and Alex

Date: August 20, 2007 12:54 AM

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There was an article in the Foster's Daily Democrat (Dover) about the
Strafford Straw Poll. NO MENTION of the straw poll results!!
The closest they got to indicating that Ron Paul stole the show was that
he received the "loudest ovation". Hmmmm.

I am going to be emailing the writer, the Sunday editor and the managing
editor to politely ask why this important aspect of the story was

Won't you join me?


Managing editor: Mary Pat Rowland mprowland@fosters.com

Sunday editor: Erika Stetson Sunday@fosters.com

Writer: Aaron Sanborn. (I cannot find an email address for him, but I am
going to guess that it is asanborn@fosters.com )

[also: letters@fosters.com -Rich]


Even missing the results, on balance, I notice that 3 of the 4 pictures which accompanied the article were of Ron Paul.

Kat Kanning

Even little newspapers...where do they all get their marching orders from? 

If someone sends me a little article about the straw poll, I'll put it in the keene free press.