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Great Liberty Song

Started by Nikiya, September 21, 2007, 05:26 PM NHFT

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A song popped on my ipod today (it was on random), and this was a song I have liked for years, but haven't listened to it for a while.  Listening to the lyrics I thought to myself that this was a great liberty song so I figured I would post it here and see what other people thought of it, either the lyrics themselves or the song if you want to look it up is "My Right" by Screeching Weasel.

My right to say what I want
And think the way I wanna think
My right I wanna speak my mind
My right to yell my right to scream
My right no one's ever gonna
Tell me what I have to do
I'll live my life the way I want
I don't care about your little world
And I can't believe you're telling me
What's good for me how do you know what's good?
And I can't believe you're telling me
What to believe, get away from me - my right
No matter what I do, to you
Is one big mistake
Well I'm sick of you I know I'm right
You sleazy money grubbing fake
My right my life my mind my soul
My body my existence means
That I don't have to listen to you
It's my right cause I'm a human being

Tom Sawyer

Music and lyrics help me handle the state we're in.  8)