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The evil of inaction

Started by Bald Eagle, September 13, 2007, 10:40 PM NHFT

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I really enjoyed your essay and feel compelled to respond:

Quote from: Bald Eagle on September 13, 2007, 10:40 PM NHFT
I must admit, sometimes Ian can be persuasive, but there's something deep inside my soul, a nagging gut feeling that says it does matter, and even though it's in the past, it's essential to spreading the message of liberty that America knows why and how.   To turn away from a tragic experience that is used to manipulate Americans and deceive them into supporting a government that wants endless war, invasion of all privacy, and an end to private property and Constitutional Rights seems too much like walking away while whistling "Hakuna Matata."

I don't think I've ever suggested turning away from the results of 9/11.  It is an important event in our history that serves as another excuse for the government to increase its size and intrusiveness.  I do disagree however that the "truth" behind 9/11 is in any way essential to spreading the message of liberty.

It is my contention that all the "9/11 truth" movement serves to do is to distract its participants with debate over minutia.  Both the "9/11 truth" and the "government would never lie" sides continue to do battle over such critical issues as the melting temperature of steel, thermite, jet engines, video frame analysis, building collapses, and a host of other allegations and claims of fact.  Countless hours are spent debating, analyzing, researching, and preaching about these things.  Many Truthers wear the number of hours that they have "researched" like a badge of honor.

All of this effort expended, and for what?  Both sides are firmly in their trenches and have made up their minds about what they believe the "truth" to be.  All the while, the rest of America goes about their lives and a significant portion of them don't even remember the year that the 9/11 attacks happened.

QuoteHakuna Matata means "no worries," right?  It's in the past, so let it go.

I don't think I've ever suggested anything like that.  The past is critical to understand and history is important.  What is not important is the time-consuming debate I described above.

QuotePerhaps one does not need to reach the destination of knowing everything about 9/11 and bringing those responsible to justice, such as it might be.  Perhaps all that is necessary is to let people make their own journey towards the truth and let them discover important things and valuable lessons along the way.  If a journey to find the truth about 9/11 is the path someone chooses, I would not be surprised if they find far more than they were expecting while "getting lost in the woods."  They may get an unexpected education and for the first time learn things about life, and society and government and "news" - and most importantly, about themselves.  They may find that the big people aren't right, that the big people aren't so big, and that a lot of those people be they greater or lesser are EVIL.  They may never reach their original goal, but they may use what they've learned on the journey to pursue new goals - like moving to a society dedicated to binding government with the chains of the Constitution and spreading the message of Liberty.

While it is possible that someone could discover the Liberty movement while traveling down the "9/11 Truth" rabbit hole, unless they stop themselves and reset their course they will end up at the destination that most Truthers end up:  Total paralysis and fear of the "NWO".  They'll keep "researching", but they won't ever do anything.

The "911 truth" rabbit hole destroys more potential activists then it creates.  If I can say something on this forum or on my radio show to prevent people from spending their precious time on the "911 truth" debate that will never achieve anything or matter to most Americans and instead put them on a much more enriching and useful path toward Liberty, I will.


QuoteIn the same way, I view these men who stand by and watch as good people's lives are being destroyed by the impersonal machinery of government bureaucracy as evil.

Is it simply because the US military or George Bush are the ones not standing by and watching as good people's lives were destroyed under the Ba'athist regime in Iraq that makes it an exception to the notion that people who stand by and watch are evil?

Quote from: FTL_IanThe "911 truth" rabbit hole destroys more potential activists then it creates.  If I can say something on this forum or on my radio show to prevent people from spending their precious time on the "911 truth" debate that will never achieve anything or matter to most Americans and instead put them on a much more enriching and useful path toward Liberty, I will.


J’raxis 270145

Quote from: mvpel on September 27, 2007, 01:10 PM NHFT

Is it simply because the US military or George Bush are the ones not standing by and watching as good people's lives were destroyed under the Ba'athist regime in Iraq that makes it an exception to the notion that people who stand by and watch are evil?

By the way, this incident was during the period when the U.S. supported Saddam—and if I recall correctly, the poison gas he used in the al-Anfal campaign was supplied to him by the United States (intending it be used against Iranians, but whatever).

Lloyd Danforth

Its not in the past as long as the perpetrators, whoever they are are alive.


I keep coming back to this post to read Bald Eagle's phenomenal tirade!

Some have observed that there is much infighting and pointless debate amongst people who are seeking to know what really happened in the events surrounding 9/11. I have observed this, too and would counter that it is for lack of reliable sources of information which base their arguments on physical evidence--physical evidence which no longer exists. The crime scenes were quickly cleaned up and no real criminal investigation can take place.

The most popular videos on the subject are sorely lacking and only serve to generate more questions rather than answering them. Specifically, "Loose Change", "In Plane Site" and Alex Jones' presentations have turned many people off to the subject all-together. Hit pieces from the mainstream media have seized on bad evidence in an effort to discredit the whole movement, in the meantime ignoring sober and credible sources.

It's important to see the big picture, in order to understand how the world really works, and the attacks on 9/11 are just one dot in the picture. Connecting the dots is key.

Some us in the Merrimack Valley 9/11 Truth Meetup have worked to compile some of the best sources on these subjects on our Meetup page www.MerrimackValley911truth.org on the "about" page http://9-11.meetup.com/307/about

We also have put together some of the best videos on our MySpace page http://www.myspace.com/merrimackvalley911truth and on my personal MySpace http://www.myspace.com/insurgencynow We have taken great pains to not post any unreliable sources.

We are now working on finding a venue to meet on a regular basis in order to show some of these videos and discuss strategy afterwards. Anyone who knows of a good venue, please speak up! We're also working closely with the Boston 9/11 Truth group on some joint activism. http://boston911truth.org The next big event is the Boston Tea Party and Conference for 9/11 Truth http://boston911truth.org/teaparty

Again, very thoughtful post, Bald Eagle!


I really liked your rant and I thought it was very insightful but I also thought that the analogy was good from the other perspective as well. The government also learns from the stick. When they swing the stick and you duck, they find another way to hit you afterwards. When they hit you in the head, they learn nothing. You can only hit people in the head for so long until they move out of the way. Once they do, then the ones holding the stick have to learn a new method of bonking. Simba should have taken the stick and chased the monkey down.

On the other subject; I can almost see the point of view of people who feel hopeless. When JFK was killed there was no proper investigation. There have been movies, books, and countless websites about this horrid power play but in the end, nothing happens and nobody is held accountable. This is one of the biggest conspiracies of all time and we can't even get a proper investigation. People altered the corpse and still nothing is done. Heads should have rolled. So there is some validity to the idea of being overwhelmed but it is also a losers perspective. If you do nothing, then nothing gets done. You just end up with what they give you and that is NOT acceptable. That is how slaves are made. People in todays slave society are afraid to risk anything and if you are afraid of a thing, then you can be controlled by those fears.