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Article on NH sobriety checkpoints

Started by Dave Ridley, December 03, 2005, 05:53 PM NHFT

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Dave Ridley


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Anyone know if these checkpoints stop or examine everyone or are they just pulling over people who are driving wierd?



I asked a Merrimack cop and he told me that they can do random picks or whatever, but the only rule is that they must be consistent.


"consistenly" violating the constitution


Checkpoints?  That's what hapens in war-zones.

This war is on our rights.


I want my Freedom back!



Excellent article on checkpoints.  Note the USC decision as far back as 1925:

"It would be intolerable and unreasonable if a prohibition agent were authorized to stop every automobile on the chance of finding liquor, and thus subject all persons lawfully using the highways to the inconvenience and indignity of such a search."

Carrol vs. the United States, 1925

Yet they continue to ramp them up and get people used to warrantless searches and fishing expeditions in the name of public safety.