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Sako finnbear deluxe in 7mm rem mag (SOLD)

Started by Recumbent ReCycler, October 25, 2007, 06:03 PM NHFT

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Recumbent ReCycler

I have put my most expensive and most powerful hunting rifle up for auction.  It is a Sako Finnbear Deluxe in 7mm Rem Mag.  The buyer will decide how much of the purchase price goes to the Ron Paul campaign, JPFO and/or GOA.  If you like Ron Paul and want the entire amount to go to Ron Paul, we can do that.  If for some strange reason you don't like Ron Paul and don't want any of the money to go to him, make sure you outbid the pro-Ron Paul bidders, and you can decide that I should pay all of it toward my debt and/or JPFO and/or GOA instead.  This is your chance to support the best presidential candidate and get a fine hunting rifle at the same time.  If you want it shipped, shipping will be whatever FedEx charges me plus the cost of my packing materials.  If you want to pick it up or meet me somewhere in the New England area to transfer it, I can throw in a few boxes of ammo, all of the brass that I have fired through it (which has been cleaned and deprimed), and possibly some loading dies.  The last time I checked, this model was retailing for over $1000.  The auction can be viewed here: https://www.gunbroker.com/Auction/ViewItem.asp?Item=83736333


Recumbent ReCycler

Of course I don't mind.  There are only hours left before the auction ends, and the bidding is at $805.

Recumbent ReCycler

I haven't gotten a response yet from the buyer, but the high bid was $1,146.00.  I'll let you know when I find out.

Recumbent ReCycler

I talked with the buyer this morning, and he said he will be mailing me a money order later today.  He said that I can do what I want with the money, but the fact that I was willing to give it all to Ron Paul was the reason he bid as high as he did.  On Bill of Rights Day, December 15th, near midnight just before the 16th, I will probably be donating $762 to the Ron Paul campaign.  I think my wife will probably also donate some money that day as well.  I'm behind on my bills, so some of it will go to bills to help me to prevent more late payment and over limit fees and to keep my credit rating from getting worse than it is.  I may give some money on the 16th as well.  I dunno, we'll see.  I think once the money is in my checking account, I need to buy one of those snazzy Ron Paul sweatshirts from ronpaulhq.