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The Libertarian Enterprise down

Started by toowm, November 01, 2007, 10:51 AM NHFT

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TLE http://www.ncc-1776.org/ and lneilsmith.org are both down.

Did Neil just miss a payment, or is something up?


I got an student credit website when I clicked on that link.  :-\


Scratch that. I thought it was a student credit company..its just some website.

Bill St. Clair

Domain name expiration. Ken Holder renewed, but hasn't gotten the domain pointed back at the web site, yet. Until then, The Libertarian Enterprise is at:

I don't know how to get to Neil's personal page, but he posts occasional new essays at:



Quote from: Bill St. Clair on November 01, 2007, 12:26 PM NHFT
Domain name expiration. Ken Holder renewed, but hasn't gotten the domain pointed back at the web site, yet. Until then, The Libertarian Enterprise is at:

I don't know how to get to Neil's personal page, but he posts occasional new essays at:

