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local sources for self sufficiency stuff

Started by porcupine kate, October 01, 2007, 08:54 PM NHFT

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Lloyd Danforth

Bald Eagle and I have concluded that Aubuchon Hardware is a pretty good Hardware store.  A little known fact is that none of the Aubuchon hardware stores had phones up to a few years ago.


Quote from: porcupine kate on December 10, 2007, 08:29 AM NHFT
I'm looking for a old fashion local hardware store that carries a different selection of goods than your average Ace Hardware does.  Old time hardware stores are something I miss from my childhood and would love to find one up here.

Walmart.  I was hoping to find another store to check out the competition and see if their customer service is better. 

Antrim has a GREAT old-fashioned hardware store stuffed floor-to-ceiling and wall-to-wall with stuff you didn't know they made and you've just got to have. And the staff knows where everything is, and is helpful and problem-solving oriented. They'll order stuff for you, too. http://www.edmundsstore.com/

I'll tell you where other good ones are, too, if you'll put them all on a map on a site, or something.

Free libertarian

 Army / Navy stores sometimes have interesting stuff...Also it's not local, but a Lehmans catalog
is always fun to read. 
  You may want to start by visiting some small self sufficient leaning farms and networking that way.
  Some even have visiting times or tours...D Acres in Dorchester, NH has a website and might have some links on food production, canning workshops  etc. 

Nothing like shoveling manure to see if the reality jives with the fantasy.  I'd recommend starting with chickens, easy to keep, cheap and fun to watch. Maybe add other critters if the chickens work out.
Don't let the chickens in the garden though, they love tomatoes.
Local food co-ops sometimes have bulletin boards worth reading too.  Farmer's markets are another source of information about gardening and animals etc.
Being self sufficient is a noble goal, I'd consider it a process, if everybody moves a bit more in that direction, it's a good thing.  Some are further along than others and can teach the rest of us.
Many of us have alot of conventional wisdom learning to "undo"...good luck. 

Free libertarian

...forgot to mention a good source for Regional alternative energy related stuff is a festival in Vermont,
SOLAR FEST.  A fun road trip and alot of ALTERNATIVE ENERGY vendors there and self sufficient type workshops.  A bit of a mellow Granola atmosphere (hey it's Vermont) but pretty good stuff there. Usually held in July over a weekend and worth checking out. 


Quote from: Free libertarian on January 31, 2008, 11:27 AM NHFT
...forgot to mention a good source for Regional alternative energy related stuff is a festival in Vermont,
SOLAR FEST.  A fun road trip and alot of ALTERNATIVE ENERGY vendors there and self sufficient type workshops.  A bit of a mellow Granola atmosphere (hey it's Vermont) but pretty good stuff there. Usually held in July over a weekend and worth checking out. 

A group of us went last year - we should plan for an even larger Porcupine Village this year. See the thread: http://nhunderground.com/forum/index.php?topic=9662.0


I've created a Google calendar that will list all upcoming alternative energy and sustainable living events in New England. You can subscribe to it and view these events alongside your personal Google Calendar events. I think I have it set so other people can add events (I'll check). Just set it up a few days ago and have other items to add, like the Building Green '08 show coming up in Boston in early March - that's the biggie of the year for alt. energy equipment.

Here's the link: http://www.google.com/calendar/embed?src=rt94nvf1gku4nvcicodqdh2dmg%40group.calendar.google.com&ctz=America/New_York

porcupine kate


Could you try adding an event, even if it's a dummy event that you erase later? I just want to see if I've got it set up correctly.
