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Political archives

Started by Kat Kanning, December 21, 2007, 08:13 AM NHFT

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Kat Kanning

Someone told me there was a problem with the political threads that Lex saved off to his forum.  I'd like to delete the archives off of here, but would prefer that there's a copy available someone, since people seem interested in having it available.  Any ideas for making that happen?

J’raxis 270145

The charset issue? I think all he needs to do is reimport them with the charset specified properly. I can help him with this. I am out of work all next week for the Christmas break, and I plan to get a lot of stuff I've been putting off done then; I can surely fit this in there.

Could you also send me a copy of the SQL dump? I can keep it around for safekeeping myself, and maybe I'll set up a mirror site myself on one of my domains, if anything ever happens to the NHPA archive. Redundancy is always good.

Kat Kanning

J’raxis 270145

Kat Kanning

Going to delete the political boards within days.