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NH Recount needs help

Started by grannywarriors, January 23, 2008, 01:49 PM NHFT

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The Granny Warriors have funded the recount and Albert Howard is in your state now keeping tabs on what is going on.  He is videoing the recount for the Republicans starting tomorrow morning.  We need some help in finding Albert and his family a place to live for the next 6 weeks or however long the recount takes.

Anyone knowing of a place that would be available please let us know, it is inperative that we help him get his family to NH. 

The home does not have to be fancy, a simple cottage or apt would suffice.
Please let us know as soon as you can if you can help.

Linda ( Granny Warrior)


I would suggest contacting a realtor at beach and seeing if there are any seasonal places that might be available. Wasn't there a whole group of OLFD folks living at a place on Rye Beach?

J’raxis 270145


I think they are actually looking for an entire house.....or at least that is what the email I received from someone said.