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Crazy Software licenses

Started by Bald Eagle, February 13, 2008, 10:53 AM NHFT

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Bald Eagle

Russell Kanning


From the actual iTunes End User License Agreement:

QuoteYou also agree that you will not use these products for...the development, design, manufacture or production of missles, or nuclear, chemical or biological weapons.

Those mp3s are some dangerous shit.


Apparently, you have just violated the Adaptec "Terms of Use":

Quote from: Adaptec "Terms of Use"You may link to this Site, but such linking must be restricted to the Adaptec home page only. In order to protect our intellectual property, Adaptec does not permit deep linking.

I wonder if they have a problem with my quoting their website.

J’raxis 270145

They like to copyright EULAs and similar now, so they can use takedown notices against critics who quote them. Oh, they can copyright the takedown notices now, too.

Russell Kanning