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Letter to Governor about Veteran’s suicide 4-23-08

Started by sgtusmc, April 23, 2008, 07:41 AM NHFT

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 ;DLetter to Governor about Veteran's suicide 4-23-08
Peter Macdonald 465 Packersfalls rd Lee NH 03824 603-659-6217
   The Governor of New Hampshire tells me that he will hear my complains against the State but never calls.  NH senators tell me to stop writing letters to the editor about my complaints that everyone is tired of hearing them.  NH judges send the Sheriff's duty to stop my letters.  The VA and the Boston Globe ask me to commit suicide instead of any more letters.  The VA promotes suicide to keep the VA budget lower.  Every one is aware of the crimes in NH to silence a 100% service connected disabled Veteran, yet they refuse to print my letters in any newspaper across the U.S.  The state of NH 's hand to a veteran is a knife in the Back yet the public is censored from the truth by the news. 
   My Traumatic Brain Injury left me with no memory of my life before the Marine Corps.  I have serious short term memory problems now. I have a broken back from a combat offensive and a loss of hearing from another combat offensive.  NH believes it is to good of a state to hear my words.  The only memories that I can not get rid of is living through hell fighting for the people of the U.S. as a Marine.  I have kept silent on my experiences because of the ridicule and social persecution by the people that we did it for.  These same people just can not understand that we are the children that left, that we just came back to a place that we love but no longer belong.  You the state of NH cover up crimes against a disable Veteran asking for help.  The truth does not matter in NH.  The people in NH are expected to stay silent if it interferes with the cover up of crimes by judges and government officials. 
   Our children returning from service to this country commit suicide because it is the right thing to do.  You have no idea how close I come every day to doing what the Boston Globe and the VA have asked.  Do you know what it is like to be sitting in a restaurant and seeing a Asian girl walk past.  Your head starts pounding, eyes get watery, you return to a place no one can get you from, then blood bursts from your nose as you rush for cover out side.  This happen to me in Alton NH yesterday.
   We have laws that do not apply to the NH elite.  I am a no-body that even the newspapers believe should be silenced.  I have returned to a nation that grew the belief that Veteran's suicides is better that trying to hear what we are saying.  I have not violated the law.  I volunteer every day (as I will today) helping others to make the U.S. a better place for all.  Maybe the governor of NH, the elected officials and U.S. judges should try living in a Veterans shoes before condemning us into silence.  Maybe the newspapers should understand freedom of the press starts with a Veteran's life.  My suicide will not help NH but it will sure be a lot better for this 100% disabled Veteran. Maybe!
Peter Macdonald Sgt USMC Semper Fi