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Keith Murphy's restaurant as Grand Central Station?

Started by Dave Ridley, June 25, 2005, 11:18 AM NHFT

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Dave Ridley

Has Keith opened a restaurant or is he planning to or something?   Where will it be?  I think it would be so cool to have a centrally located watering hole where anytime you show up there are free staters there...


Quote from: DadaOrwell on June 25, 2005, 11:18 AM NHFT
Has Keith opened a restaurant or is he planning to or something?   Where will it be?  I think it would be so cool to have a centrally located watering hole where anytime you show up there are free staters there...

Not quite... Keith manages a restaurant that just opened a month ago in downtown Manchester called J.W. Hill's.  It's a sports bar with big screen TV's, but also has plenty of dining space (away from the TV's) with a full menu.  It is most definitely centrally located, right on Elm St. near the sports stadium. IMHO, it's a bit pricy for me to hang out there on a regular basis, though.

If any Porcupines DO own a restaurant in Manchester, speak up, and I promise to check it out.  ;D

Dave Ridley

here's an idea: we leave a Free State Project sign or something like that at the restaurant and whenever one of us visits there we grab the sign and hang it on the table.? Then any other free staters who walk in can hook up with the first one.?  And average people will come by with questions. ? Oh an we need to figure out if they'll take liberty dollars!

Russell Kanning

I like it better than Milly's.....we will visit when we are in town 8)



Quote from: KBCraig on June 30, 2005, 06:48 PM NHFT
Like an FSP Stammtisch!


Ja, ich stimme das vollstaendig zu!? We're starting something similar in Minnesota at Stub and Herb's, a watering hole owned by a libertarian in the university area of Minneapolis.? We may even get our own corner of the place where we can keep a FSP sign and maybe a NH map, etc.


Ron Helwig

Quote from: Klaus on June 30, 2005, 09:25 PM NHFT
We're starting something similar in Minnesota at Stub and Herb's, a watering hole owned by a libertarian in the university area of Minneapolis.  We may even get our own corner of the place where we can keep a FSP sign and maybe a NH map, etc.


Stub and Herbs is a good place. Parking sucks, but then it is right across the street from the University of Minnesota. Sue Jeffers (the owner) rocks!


Quote from: rhelwig on July 01, 2005, 08:41 AM NHFT

Stub and Herbs is a good place. Parking sucks, but then it is right across the street from the University of Minnesota. Sue Jeffers (the owner) rocks!

Sue is great.? It is a pretty central location and not hard to get to.? We had a meetup there last week at 7pm.? I had to feed the meter on the street until 8pm.? Not real bad I thought at first, but $1.50 per hour meters!? Damn Bolsheviks!!? If S&H turns out to be the Minnesota FSP Stammplatz, we may need to think about parking some more...
