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Pat K is going away.

Started by Pat K, April 07, 2008, 06:28 PM NHFT

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He said something about a boot camp. I got the impression he's going somewhere away from home for some intense training.

Kat Kanning


I would wish PatK luck, but being over 50, I forget who PatK was/is.   ;D  ;)

Luck anyways.

Kat Kanning


Kat I know who Pat K is....it was an inside joke between him and me.

Kat Kanning

Well sure, NOW you know who he is.  :P


Russell Kanning

Pat K is going away .... he might be disappearing or just getting thinner


So this is what happened... I had been wondering why his silence on the forum...

Sounds like he's on the right track, for sure... cold turkey is the best way to do it. And self-discipline can simply not be overrated.

I wish you the best of success, Pat K... and look forward to seeing the New and Improved Pat K at PorcFest! :broc1: :bdance2: :tiphat:

Kat Kanning

I wonder if he's giving up cussing, too?  :o  He just wouldn't seem like Pat...