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Raising Hell in New Jersey.

Started by JDouglasFisher, May 02, 2008, 11:04 AM NHFT

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As its well known already, I'm going to be homeless in NJ on the 15th. In between looking for affordable housing (which is impossible now due to the rapid collapse of the NJ economy) and trying to set up a refugee plan to NH (thanks to those who are helping, more on the brainstorm idea in a moment) I decided that since I got involved in politics, and I was informed that rarely anyone calls their state legislators, I decided I was going to start calling them and raise hell.

First I called Assemblyman Mike Doherty's office. Now admittedly, he is not my assemblyman, but I met him through the Ron Paul movement, and we had the opportunity to discuss the 70,000+ people (got to be more this year since the rich people are taking up housing in the poorer sections, making it impossible for people like me to find an apartment now.)

I spoke with his secretary, who seemed very interested, even though I made her aware that Mike wasn't my representative.

Then, I called my State Senator, Kevin O'Toole. Had a good 10 minute conversation with his secretary about my predicament, and asked that since I am a republican (which will change to Indy status, ssshhh) how could it be in NJ that drug dealers, illegal immigrants, and minorities will have the state bend over backwards for them, but a poor white guy, who works a job, stays away from drugs and alcohol, and is a legal resident of the U.S., cannot? I demanded from her an explanation of how this is? The state of NJ claims it is about bankrupt, but yet they do nothing to cut off the waste, as well as turn a blind eye to many people (I know of 6 personally) who scam the system.

Yet, all I need is a little help, (I don't like government programs personally, and don't like relying on anyone for help, I know, swallowing my pride is something which I have yet to learn.) and I cannot get it.

Now realize, I am not prejudiced, but it really aggrevates the living hell out of me that NJ has extra programs for minorities, but because I am not a minority, theres no help for me.

Needless to say, at the end of my conversation with the Secretary, she promised me to have someone from their office call me back ASAP. (I won't hold my breath, surely I'll die before I get a return phone call.)

I feel better now that I have complained, though I doubt anything will come of it.




Almost forgot about the brainstorm.

How cool would it be to open the "Porcupine Hotel", and restrict its use to Free Staters fleeing to NH?




Believe it or not, My state senator's assistant just called, and after speaking with her for about 10 minutes, bringing her up to speed on how I got into the mess, and the fact that everywhere I turn, I "don't qualify" for help, she apparently is going to call the county social services, and find out what the hell is going on.

(Apparently, NJ prefers its residents under roofs, not homeless, and the arguement that me and my fiance make $100.00 a month too much doesn't hold water...)

I still won't hold my breath, but it must suck for them now knowing that a state senators office is calling on behalf of little ole me, to find out what the problem is...

As for my unemployment benefits that I applied for, and is being held hostage due to an investigation (my last employer, A REPUBLICAN POLITICAL CAMPAIGN NO LESS, failed to report to the state that I was working on their payroll books, which is why my benefits are being held up)

Hey, if I am going to be homeless, let these &^%$@# SOB's work for their paycheck atleast.

I'll keep you all posted..


PorcManor, by the way, the Porcupine Hotel would have to be listed on PorcManor, I wouldn't be doing it for the money, (I.E. no profit outside of expenses to run the place) I would be doing it to help others like me, kinda like "Pay it Forward"...

Kat Kanning

We talked about doing a hostel in an old rectory.  Didn't happen though.


I'm confused.

Is your complaint about the welfare state that you aren't getting your share?  Is the corruption you see that you don't qualify for a handout?

I recently lived in NJ, and I escaped to NH because I was weary of having my labor stolen from me to be given to someone else. 

Am I correct that you intend to escape to NH because NJ isn't stealing enough money from taxpayers to give to you?

I recommend that you rethink this before making the move.


My complaint lies in the fact that for over 12 years I paid into the system, and never once attempted to get back from it. Previous times I was unemployed, it was usually for 2 weeks at most, and I wouldn't even file. I'm complaining because the little bit of help that I am asking for (trying to find affordable housing, as its almost nill right now) and I cannot get the help.

I already called my friend Lou, (who is running for Freeholder) and told him the first office the county should nix is social services because they sit on their asses all day, do nothing (literally) and then tell you if your white that there is nothing they could do for you. (But apparently its ok if your a minority, or illegally here, or perhaps with 6 kids and different fathers, theres a whole slew of programs.)

I'm not asking for Welfare, or Foodstamps, or NJKIDCARE, or a whole slew of other bullshit programs, all I am asking for is some of my tax dollars back so I can get into an affordable apartment. (realize, its becoming common now for landlords to ask for 3 months security PLUS 1 month's rent, ASSUMING rent is 1,000 per month, your talking 4,000 just to move in!!!) It aggravates the hell out of me when I see people scamming the system, and the state refuses to shut them off. Yet I am FORCED into handing over 1/4 of my paycheck to them every week, and you would think since they steal from me, atleast be able to give it back when I need it. But NO...

We need to steal your money, so we can help the 1,000's of other people who are lazy, scamming the system, driving Lexus's while collecting all the state aid they can get. Meanwhile, I cannot even get my state tax return because the state is broke, and is with holding the renters rebate checks. (which would help tremendously in my plight)

(I'm really tweaked right now because earlier I saw a couple who neither works, but are quite capable to do so, buying scratch off lottery tickets at 7-11, meanwhile I am scrambling to find a roof.)

I probably should've responded to this later, when I calmed down a bit, but I am fuming right now.

Being forced to pay for programs that are intended to help you, and then being told there is no help for you. WHY DO I PAY ALL THESE GOD DAMNED TAXES THEN?!??!??!!!! AAAAARRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH



J you might want to consider moving out my way (Boonton) in NJ if you can't escape to NH. I just went through hunting for rentals a couple months ago. Don't know what you need but the rents out in western Morris, Sussex, Warren, were about $1300 - $1500 a month for a small house, first month and one month security. It isn't perfect out here, but it beats the more urban parts of the state.
