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AIDS, truth or lie?

Started by kola, April 26, 2008, 12:55 PM NHFT

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I've doubted the HIV/AIDS paradigm since about 1992. Perhaps my favourite sites is www.AliveAndWell.org.


Quote from: BaneOfTheBeast on April 28, 2008, 04:04 PM NHFT
Quote from: kola on April 28, 2008, 03:51 PM NHFT
Although I like a lot of her ideas, I am not so convinced that what she offers is advantageous. I think there are better alternative ways such as Dr Max Gerson's, Gerson Therapy.
Bane said: What don't you see as advantageous? Just curious - I have recently read one of her books. I knew of her before that, but only because of my experience with the master cleanse - after doing that and seeing how much it improved my health I went on to research other cleanses and came across her.
I'll have to check him out - I've heard the name but don't know much about his approach.

I am not so convinced that her machines to vibrate and destroy viruses is effective. Royal Rifes machinery was effective, hers is not. I have witnessed many cancer folks that did not benefit from her program although some parts of it are good, ie nutriton and mercury detox.

Heres about Royal Rife, a name and legend buried away (for good reason) (just like Nicolai Teslas great work) 

heres what "bush-media-controlled" wikipedia says: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Royal_Rife

and yes of course it is much maligned and spat at by the constipated mainstream medicine-heads.



Quote from: kola on April 28, 2008, 06:24 PM NHFT
Heres about Royal Rife, a name and legend buried away (for good reason) (just like Nicolai Teslas great work) 
I kinda felt that instinctively, actually. I have no doubt as to the effectiveness of her cleanses, but yeah, I have heard that her machine wasn't the most effective before, and in checking out other machines I did come across mention of Royal Rife and how his varies,  on a technical level - not much other information. I will be checking him out today  :)


Anyone point out that the original post is an article nearly 14 years old and many of the things it claims have no evidence may now? Just saying.

I'll be honest. I don't know the answer, and I believe that even if HIV and Aids are linked, drug companies would spend billions to not let anyone know the cure.


Hey Kola, I had a friend on a CureZone forum who was researching AIDS and parasites and recently posted this:

So I've been looking into all kinds of things, and got interested in AIDS through researching microsporidia. You may remember shroom and I exchanged a few messages in that respect.

Anyhow, researching aids a bit, one cannot help but come to a simple conclusion: hiv does not cause aids. Don't kill the messanger, better to read about it first. Start from dr. Peter Duesberg and then find out how the scientist who "discovered" that HIV causes AIDS actually lied about it and even admitted it. His "discovery" is used even today as basis for all kinds of stupidities.

Add to that fact that people who work in dairy farms consistently get positive HIV test results even though they are actually negative, and the fact that manufacturers of those tests say that one should not use them to establish a diagnosis (why should one use it at all then???). Then you find out that there has never been an image of an actual HIV virus at all even though some people are offering a reward for a real image of a real HIV virus... the best they have a PCR enhanced DNA which is most likely just a collection of garbage dna.

Back to parasites: if you remember well, one of the telltale signs of AIDS was diarrhea. And obviously - compromised immune system. This is the same with any parasite, right? In addition, it was discovered that the diarrhea was actually caused by microsporidium, mostly E. bieneusi.

So now, could it be that AIDS is actually an effect of parasitic infection combined perhaps with other immune-surpressing substances like recreational drugs and maybe helped by toxins from environment? Keep in mind that drugs that are used to treat AIDS actually cause AIDS symptoms (look it up on the net, you'd be surprised!) so we cannot go by that.

All in all, what we are all dealing with here may be more important then we initially thought.

Oh, and just in case you are lazy to read up on AIDS, if you do, you will realize that getting a positive test result is absolutely worthless. I am glad I found that out even though a couple of times I tested myself (for fun), I would've been scared to death if the resulsts were positive.
I will propose a theory here that all they can find with tests is junk dna and it's present whenever something is feasting on our cells and that junk is then floating around. Whatever is eating us up is also exhausting us and our immune system and we would probably qualify for some sort of aids diagnosis. When in fact, it may very well be that aids is just what happens when parasitic infection goes unnoticed for too long.

As for those aids patients in africa, the only measurestick used to determine what their health problem is - whether they have a diarrhea. If they do, then it's automatically assumed it's aids. I know, unbelievable but true. Hence, even though it's said that 90% of africans have aids, no one is dying there and their population is healthily increasing.

This would also explain those successfull AIDS cures by people who followed Dr. Hulda Clark recommendations. They had parasites, they got rid of them, their immunity improved and they are healthy again.