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My conspiracy theory: I believe Steve Fossett is alive.

Started by les nessman, July 13, 2008, 02:49 PM NHFT

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les nessman

   Call me crazy if you want, but ever since his disappearance, I have believed that Steve Fossett
is still alive, not unlike Midas Mulligan in the Ayn Rand book, "Atlas Shrugged".  My theory was bolstered
when he was declared legally dead after less than six MONTHS, suspected of crashing in rough mountainous terrain.  Stranger still, Fossett made a great deal of his fortune in Chicago, Illinois. 

    Finally, today I clicked on this story, and on the same page is a link to a story about Angelina Jolie's twins.  For those who are unaware, she took a year off from production of "Atlas Shrugged" the movie, in which she will play the role of Dagny Taggart, of Taggart Transcontinental, due for release in 2009.
Tomorrow they will send an expedition to look for Fossett.  Are they searching for closure, or are they hiding something?  Call me crazy.


QuoteHe began to take six weeks a year off to spend time on sports and eventually moved to Beaver Creek, Colorado in 1990, where for a time he ran his business from a distance.[7] Fossett later sold most of his business interests,[3][16] although he maintained an office in Chicago until 2006.

    I can see him having dinner with John Galt already.