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Saw Caleb in a Porno Movie Today

Started by Kat Kanning, November 14, 2008, 07:55 PM NHFT

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Sam A. Robrin

Quote from: J'raxis 270145 on November 17, 2008, 04:46 PM NHFT
Quote from: Vitruvian on November 14, 2008, 10:45 PM NHFT
This letter was printed in the Wichita Eagle (Kansas) today:

Comedy about porn is not funny

I agreed wholeheartedly with the headline "Too bad Zack and Miri didn't make a good movie" (Nov. 9 Movie Maniac), but probably from an entirely different perspective from what writer Rod Pocowatchit intended.

I am shocked to see a movie about making pornography for profit elevated to the mainstream by our local theaters. This is totally out of line for the standards of our community or -- dare I say -- any community.

Shame on those who are in charge of the theaters for allowing this movie to be shown. It's just comedy, you say. Try telling that to the thousands of women and children who are caught and held prisoner in the sex-trafficking business all across this nation, including Wichita. Try telling that to the children of families torn apart by pornography addiction. How about the women who will be raped this year right here in our city? It is indisputable that porn fuels sex crimes. It is no laughing matter.

I believe that owners and managers of businesses that promote public entertainment have a high level of responsibility to our community, families and kids. I beseech them to do what is best for our community, even at risk of losing money, and use their influence for the betterment of all.



Lol. ::)

Not the dumbest letter I've seen on the topic.  That would be the one responding to the plaque on the Voyager probe (this one: http://www.notreespace.free.fr/plaque_voyager.jpg  )
that caterwauled "must we even send pornography into space?"


Quote from: Sam A. Robrin on November 17, 2008, 05:28 PM NHFT
Quote from: J'raxis 270145 on November 17, 2008, 04:46 PM NHFT
Quote from: Vitruvian on November 14, 2008, 10:45 PM NHFT
This letter was printed in the Wichita Eagle (Kansas) today:

Comedy about porn is not funny

I agreed wholeheartedly with the headline "Too bad Zack and Miri didn't make a good movie" (Nov. 9 Movie Maniac), but probably from an entirely different perspective from what writer Rod Pocowatchit intended.

I am shocked to see a movie about making pornography for profit elevated to the mainstream by our local theaters. This is totally out of line for the standards of our community or -- dare I say -- any community.

Shame on those who are in charge of the theaters for allowing this movie to be shown. It's just comedy, you say. Try telling that to the thousands of women and children who are caught and held prisoner in the sex-trafficking business all across this nation, including Wichita. Try telling that to the children of families torn apart by pornography addiction. How about the women who will be raped this year right here in our city? It is indisputable that porn fuels sex crimes. It is no laughing matter.

I believe that owners and managers of businesses that promote public entertainment have a high level of responsibility to our community, families and kids. I beseech them to do what is best for our community, even at risk of losing money, and use their influence for the betterment of all.



Lol. ::)

Not the dumbest letter I've seen on the topic.  That would be the one responding to the plaque on the Voyager probe (this one: http://www.notreespace.free.fr/plaque_voyager.jpg  )
that caterwauled "must we even send pornography into space?"

Sounds like Jenny needs to get laid.  :o


Quote from: Sam A. Robrin on November 17, 2008, 05:28 PM NHFT
Not the dumbest letter I've seen on the topic.  That would be the one responding to the plaque on the Voyager probe (this one: http://www.notreespace.free.fr/plaque_voyager.jpg  )
that caterwauled "must we even send pornography into space?"

How insane are you to think that a depiction of a human in their natural, unclothed state is pornography?

Bat-shit crazy, I'd say.


Where is Caleb anyway?

I don't seem to see him on the forums. I know why I've been gone, but I thought he was launching Our NH Secession campaign.



Kat Kanning

Moved to CA (apparently to make porno movies  ;) ).

Pat K

Quote from: Kat Kanning on December 07, 2008, 04:02 AM NHFT
Moved to CA (apparently to make porno movies  ;) ).

The really bad porno with cheesy music and
badly costumed pool boys and delivery men.

Kat Kanning

Pat K

Pat K

I remember his one line.

Excuse me MS. Busty I am here to
show you my I mean deliver your package.

Kat Kanning


Quote from: Kat Kanning on December 07, 2008, 04:20 AM NHFT
He was the delivery guy  :D

"Here's your pizza. And here's the pepperoni!"

Hey, Margaret.  ;D