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Did you hear about the FSP thru the Libertarian Enterprise?

Started by Dave Ridley, September 22, 2008, 09:57 AM NHFT

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Dave Ridley

if so plz lemme know, i'd like to mention that in an ad i'm doing for TLE

Russell Kanning


Sorry. One of my liberal friends told me about FSP and I looked it up online.


I think I heard about the FSP while listening to Harry Browne's show.


it was so odd, I actually told some kid on Myspace that I wanted all the libertarians to move to NH and make it a true 'live free or die' society.

he was like. . . "dood, check out new hampshire underground"

PattyLee loves dogs

Quoteit was so odd, I actually told some kid on Myspace that I wanted all the libertarians to move to NH and make it a true 'live free or die' society.

Yeah, the idea occurred to lots of LP types in the early 90s because NH had an active LP and four L state reps (before the Ls and Ds changed the cross-endorsement rules).

Have to give Sorens lots of credit for the "pledge" idea, though; it's a potential solution to a lot of "bell-the-cat" problems  ;)