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Great Police work

Started by Pat K, October 07, 2008, 04:53 AM NHFT

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Pat K

Whoa this was close, glad they got this desperado.


EUGENE, Ore. -- A bicyclist led a state trooper on a 5-mile, slow-speed chase on Highway 58 east of Eugene, prompting troopers to set up a roadblock and tackle the cyclist to make him stop.

Oregon State Police Trooper Steve Thrapp responded to a report of a bicyclist wearing dark clothes and riding without lights at 7:20 a.m. this morning. Thrapp located the cyclist 16 miles east of Eugene riding west in the eastbound lanes on a mountain bike.

The cyclist did not respond to Thrapp's overhead lights and siren and instead weaved back and forth across the road, according to state police. Traffic backed up behind the patrol car as Thrapp followed the bicyclist.

Thrapp called for assistance, and Tooper Casey Codding and recruit Cale Day set up a roadblock 11 miles east of Eugene.

When the bicyclist attempted to ride around the patrol car, Codding tackled the bicyclist to make him stop.

Officers arrested the bicyclist, Robert James Frank, 39, of Eugene, for disorderly conduct, resisting arrest and failing to obey a police officer around 7:50 a.m., a half hour after officers first tried to pull him over.


I'm shocked they didn't also get him for riding without a valid license.


Quote from: Pat K on October 07, 2008, 04:53 AM NHFT
Whoa this was close, glad they got this desperado.


EUGENE, Ore. -- A bicyclist led a state trooper on a 5-mile, slow-speed chase on Highway 58 east of Eugene, prompting troopers to set up a roadblock and tackle the cyclist to make him stop.

Oregon State Police Trooper Steve Thrapp responded to a report of a bicyclist wearing dark clothes and riding without lights at 7:20 a.m. this morning. Thrapp located the cyclist 16 miles east of Eugene riding west in the eastbound lanes on a mountain bike.

The cyclist did not respond to Thrapp's overhead lights and siren and instead weaved back and forth across the road, according to state police. Traffic backed up behind the patrol car as Thrapp followed the bicyclist.

Thrapp called for assistance, and Tooper Casey Codding and recruit Cale Day set up a roadblock 11 miles east of Eugene.

When the bicyclist attempted to ride around the patrol car, Codding tackled the bicyclist to make him stop.

Officers arrested the bicyclist, Robert James Frank, 39, of Eugene, for disorderly conduct, resisting arrest and failing to obey a police officer around 7:50 a.m., a half hour after officers first tried to pull him over.

Geesh, I can't even write "unbelievable" anymore because this stupid crap is happening so much anymore!  >:(


Quote from: doobie on October 07, 2008, 08:40 AM NHFT
I'm shocked they didn't also get him for riding without a valid license.

Yeah, really!  ::)

Mike Barskey

I can't tell from the article and of course I wasn't there, but my intuition is to believe that the cyclist was not weaving "back and forth across the road, according to state police." I think they made it up to bolster their weak reason for hassling, tackling, and arresting this guy.

Also noteworthy is that "Traffic backed up behind the patrol car as Thrapp followed the bicyclist." So once again the police cause the inconvenience and safety issue, not the person they were after.


Yes but the most important question should be was he wearing his helmet? Because if he wasnt they should've shot him  :o


Quote from: Romak on October 07, 2008, 12:17 PM NHFT
Yes but the most important question should be was he wearing his helmet? Because if he wasnt they should've shot him  :o

Okay, I know this is wrong but damn that was funny!   :biglaugh:


wow.  that's all I can say, is wow.

K. Darien Freeheart

I'm so thankful that the men and women of law enforcement are protecting our roads like this!

To think of the damage to society of drunk biker outlaws were to ride right into my car. :( We've got to do something about these menaces! They must be stopped.



Quote from: Kevin Dean on October 07, 2008, 02:58 PM NHFT
I'm so thankful that the men and women of law enforcement are protecting our roads like this!

To think of the damage to society of drunk biker outlaws were to ride right into my car. :( We've got to do something about these menaces! They must be stopped.


Me too, I feel so much safer now!  :P


They like to do high speed chases in this area.  It would be hilarious to see a low speed chase.   :)