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Mike and Kat... Hope I did right by you!

Started by Gard, August 16, 2005, 10:49 PM NHFT

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Kids... I wrote this at the time, and FEE just had the chance to set it out on the site. I do admire those cool people at FEE!

Check it out and let me know what you think!


All the best!



Kat Kanning

Michael Fisher

Thanks, Gard!   :D

We talked about this on the civil disobedience thread and I was e-mailed about it by someone in the Free State Project who is beginning to believe civil disobedience may be a very effective method of change.  :)

Great writing!!!

Dave Ridley

great job gard !  i think it might have helped to mention that mike is free stater however, or to list a URL.