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Nackey S. Loeb School seeks nominations

Started by John, August 01, 2008, 12:19 PM NHFT

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The Nackey S. Loeb School of Communications is currently seeking nominations for their annual 1st Amendment Protector award.



I've actually discussed this with folks in years past, with the idea of nomination of KFP, but then they brought in folks like Newt Gingrich to speak at their dinner and I think they've lost their minds.


Quote from: SethCohn on August 04, 2008, 07:47 PM NHFT
I've actually discussed this with folks in years past, with the idea of nomination of KFP, but then they brought in folks like Newt Gingrich to speak at their dinner and I think they've lost their minds.

Dude -Seth,
That quite reminds me of something I was hearing some (seems like just a few) months ago . . .  8)
I agree Newt is (well) just a newt . . .
Surely, the Nackey S. Loeb School of Communication 1st Amendment Award stands alone and above . . .

I intend to nominate . . .
I wish to encourage others to nominate as well!

Kat Kanning


Have any of you lived in New Hampshire long enough to know who the Loebs were?  Back during the student strikes, William Loeb wrote an editorial to which I took exception.  Actually, he never wrote an editorial to which I did not take exception, but I responded to that particular one with a lengthy reply.

Mr. Loeb wanted a professor somewhere fired because one of the many required reading books in one of that professor's classes advocated Communism.  Loeb maintained that such books have no place on a college campus.  He said college age students were too impressionable to be exposed to that kind of material. 

I told Loeb that young adults should certainly be able to evaluate such a book along with others in an academic environment.  Loeb said I was naive and did not understand how the Communists did things.  And as he had hundreds of times before, he credentialed himself as, "one who has penetrated the Communist Party, without becoming a member or working for the FBI".

The Manchester Union Leader used to boast that it printed more, "Letters to the Editor" than any other newspaper in the country, and I'm sure it did.  On the day he printed my letter, followed by his terse, personal reply, his paper carried three full pages of letters and my letter was in the upper left hand corner of the first of the three pages.  I've often referred to it as the time that Loeb called me a Commie Pinko Dupe, but he didn't.  I just like to enhance it for posterity.

If Bill Loeb were alive today, I am sure he'd want most of the membership of this forum deported to wherever they came from, even if their ancesters came over on the Mayflower.


Quote from: Kat Kanning on August 13, 2008, 05:40 AM NHFT
The Loeb School brought in gingrich?


Choice quote:
Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich yesterday in Manchester said the country will be forced to reexamine freedom of speech to meet the threat of terrorism. Gingrich, speaking at a Manchester awards banquet, said a "different set of rules" may be needed to reduce terrorists' ability to use the Internet and free speech to recruit and get out their message.


So what should we do? Just pack up and leave?
I say nominate folks who actually know and care about Freedom! Maybe some of the statists can learn from us.

I have nominated three people (separately).

Today is the last day for nominations.


1st I nominated Kat:

"After moving to NH as part of the Free State Project nearly 5 years ago, Kat Kanning started the New Hampshire Underground web site ( NHFree.com ) which then became the most active political web site in New Hampshire. She has been arrested at least 2 times for not submitting to restrictions on her right to free speech. Kat also started the Keene Free Press (a free newspaper, which has inspired others to start at least 3 other free newspapers here in NH). The Keene Free Press has evolved into the New Hampshire Free Press.

"Kat Kanning (Kat Dillon at that time) was Mike Fisher's customer at the famous "Illegal Manicure" in Concord, NH which got coverage around the state by major (print and broadcast) media.

"Kat was recognized by (if I recall correctly) New Hampshire Magazine (a few years ago) as one of their woman of the year. Kat was in the category of "agitator."


Then Ian:

"Ian Bernard is the creator and host of Free Talk Live (a radio show broadcast from Keene NH and syndicated to about 40 radio stations in the US.

"By standing firmly on the side of freedom on every issue - 100% freedom - 100% of the time, Ian Bernard is clearly on the vanguard of the "Non-violent Evolution" toward a more free society.

"Free Talk Live moved to Keene from Sarasota Fla. about 2 years ago when Ian, his girlfriend Julia, and FTL's co-host Mark Edge all made NH their home.
Free Talk Live is frequently the #1 "political" podcast in the world."


And finaly Dave:

"Dave Ridley is one of the most prolific activists in the state of NH. If you have not seen his reports at The Ridley Report, you should. I hear that Dave was recently recognized by New Hampshire Magazine as best subversive journalist of the year.
To cover all of what Dave Ridley has been doing would take a small book.

"The Ridley Report alone could illustrate Dave's firm and unwavering commitment to the 1st Amendment, but furthermore Dave has also done numerous acts of civil disobedience.
Very often it seems Mr. Dave Ridley is protecting the 1st Amendment; even more than it protects him!

"In one case Dave Ridley respectfully represented himself in federal court on charges of "distribution of hand bills." While steadfastly and quite politely standing on the 1st and 10th Amendments during one hearing and another, Dave's appeals went unrecognized.
When fined, Dave Ridley assured the judge that he would not pay. Dave suffered several days in jail for the his 1st Amendment "crime."

"Dave appears to have nerves of steal (and the patience of a saint) when "authorities" try to get him to limit this peaceful activities.

"Dave's Ridley's The Ridley Report must be the most watched you-tube channel coming out of New Hampshire, but Dave does not stop there. He has also been training others in the art of being the new media."



Mr. Connell :
Thanks again very much for your nominations of Ian Bernard, Kat Kanning and Dave Ridley for the Nackey S. Loeb School's First Amendment award.

While their work on Free Talk Live, NHFree.com and the Ridley Report is laudable and important, the judges choose another nominee, Londonderry High School teacher and school newspaper adviser Mary Lukas, who helps her staff learn about and exercise their First Amendment rights as student journalists.

I appreciate your interest in the award. Thanks for recommending three excellent candidates.



I surely wish to congratulate Mary Lucas over in Londonderry.