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My garden is not a buffet for slugs and white flies.

Started by porcupine kate, June 09, 2010, 06:23 PM NHFT

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porcupine kate

In two days slugs have eaten almost all of my spinach. 
I have taken measures to kill them but I will have to wait till fall to have more spinach. 

I also have a drive to kill white flies too. 

Pat K


I used marigold flowers to get rid of the slugs in my small garden.  I had long heard that marigolds are offensive to many insects, and will drive them away.  Well, that may be true of some bugs, but the slugs absolutely loved em.  So much so, that they almost completely ignored my kale, one surviving carrot, and broccoli, and infested the newly transplanted marigolds.  It was great news, because I don't eat the flowers, and it made picking them off easier.  I have almost no slug problem, and most of the marigolds are still alive.   :)