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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Protest at Lauren Jail 11/13 tentative (calendar entry)

Started by Dave Ridley, November 09, 2008, 10:15 AM NHFT

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Dave Ridley

What: Tentative "Free Lauren" protest
Where: Whatever jail they send Lauren to, if they jail her
When:  Thursday, November 13, 2:00 p.m. subject to change

the feds may jail lauren Nov 10 for disorderly conduct:


It's been noted that demonstrations outside prisoners' jails...have a bigger impact than demos at courthouses.  so....how about we pre-schedule a small demonstration at whichever jail they send lauren to?

We don't yet know the location but we can always set a time...and this day is good for the kannings.  it might be ok for me too although the jails are all far away and i am trying to really limit my driving to cut expenses.

also...if I don't go...be sure to get video from the jail demonstration and upload to youtube.  If you are willing to take the risk, video record the cops who harrass you...or call porc 411...If you want your recording to be interesting don't wait until the event is over...get your recorders out as soon as you see cops coming and let them know you're taping.  Assume that you may be arrested if you do these things.

Kat Kanning


Kat Kanning

Dave Ridley

I have been offline since 8am on Nov 10 and am writing this offline at noon on the 11th to be posted later...

so I don't know what has been going on at nhfree over the last day  and this post could be obsolete but...

however based on what I know I'm suggesting there still be  a demonstration nov 13, although I doubt I will be able to be there myself.   i'll be pretty far away.  another problem is that i forgot to bring some of my dubbing equipment so going to dover would mean delaying my upload of the already-late videos - like the last lauren interview - which are stacking up inside my camara. 

can you guys still make the protest even if I can't?  can someone pick up this ball and run with it while I am low on internet access?

2PM still seems like a good time but one person suggested doing it at shift change.  we'd have to find out when that is.

We also need verification that lauren is really at strafford; I only had one source on that.

I'll likely be mostly without internet access until Nov 13.

also i mailed just three of the letters yesterday, holding the rest pending confirmation that she's at strafford.   

lastly , there are some good Free Lauren signs at porc manor in manchester .... give me a call or contact alec if you want to grab one and take it to dover.

Dave Ridley

i'm asking that someone else take the ball and run with this; change the date if you like or cancel or expand whatever you think is best.   i dont have enough net access over the next couple days to organize.   i also will not be able to contact the dover media, and can't write them now since i dont knwo what to tell them.  but i think it should be done.

Russell Kanning

Kat might go earlier .... they told her that Lauren was there, in the Strafford County jail in Dover

Free libertarian

I cannot go on Thursday.   I would try to make it if its rescheduled for next week, but don't reschedule on my account.   The thing that struck me on the day of the arraignment and the trial was the frustration the clerk and the judge were showing. It was a little subdued but it was there. On some level maybe they are questioning their actions. At least they should be.  They still do the "all rise" bit when the judge enters, I guess their cult has a hard time letting go of certain ritualistic behavior even when it is obvious that nobody will rise.  We did rise out of respect for Lauren as they wheeled her away though.

In the morning the court clerk was asking if anybody in the uh "audience" had a ticket, presumably so she could process things and get the cash register to ring more efficiently. They had another "trial" just before Lauren's arraignment and the clerk seemed to be in charge of collections and official paper shuffling....Anyhow Lauren's reply was she "didn't buy a ticket". The look on the clerks face was priceless.

I liked that the last thing Lauren pointed out to the judge was nobody was hurt, nothing was damaged etc.   The judge was really reaching for justification when he alluded to Carl Drega.  Also interesting was all the security people seemed to be ex-cops still feeding at the trough.  One lady security person (the one that "wands" you for the extra special metal detection) remarked while we were passing through
the regular metal detector that not many people were making it beep and if that kept up she'd be out of a job.  Pretty ironic.   

The other thing that made me think was the look on Jim's face after Lauren was sentenced.  That has to be a hard thing to deal with especially coming so soon after Lauren served 15 days recently (17 days?...Feds can't count).  Thank you to both Jim and Lauren  I hope the next 30 days pass quickly for you.  I appreciate your many sacrifices.     

Russell Kanning

of course ... the outside of Lauren's jail is always open.

The news might spread to the booking area and be overheard by Lauren. :)

Lauren was not completely right. The thugs pride was hurt by her noncompliance. Their day was ruined. Their peaceful enjoyment of tv and donuts was interrupted. The "consternation" level was raised that day without threat of violence ... only threat of noncooperation.

It is amazing how many times these government guys retire and collect pensions. I think bb Monier is on his third.

I think Caleb is right. The handwriting is on the wall ... all the more clearly to be seen on the walls of the Concord Federal Temple. The letters are a little more bold than their rules. The empire cannot go on as before, something has to give.


I'll be there for my 2-3:00 p.m. visit with Danny. Plus before that of to the Commissioner's Office to see what happened that morning, if anything, to them reading this here and acting accordingly, +/or when and after I present them with a signed copy of both: (1) my Reply #8106 on page 541 of 12:58 PM over at http://nhunderground.com/forum/index.php?topic=3868.8100 with Lauren in the pc: section of my Reply as one of the two victims; plus (2) my Reply #127 on page 9 over at http://nhunderground.com/forum/index.php?topic=15772.120 at 1:26 p.m. today also for her to get $2,500 per day (each portion or fraction of a day counted as a full day), from and including Mon., Nov. 10th, the sub-total now amounting to: $2,500 x 3 = $7,500!  >:D  - Joe

Dave Ridley