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Cocaine is destroying the rain forest

Started by slim, November 20, 2008, 08:47 AM NHFT

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I laughed my ass off when I read this propaganda

I guess now drug users are going to be blamed for "global warming". I guess they just forgot to mention the herbicide that the US government is spraying in the foreign countries.


Quote from: slim on November 20, 2008, 08:47 AM NHFT
I laughed my ass off when I read this propaganda

I guess now drug users are going to be blamed for "global warming". I guess they just forgot to mention the herbicide that the US government is spraying in the foreign countries.

Yeah that is nuts!  So now it's drug users and farting cows, all to blame for a global warming that isn't even happening.

K. Darien Freeheart

QuoteI guess now drug users are going to be blamed for "global warming"

Haven't you gotten the tenth-edition Newspeak Dictionary yet?

It's "climate change" now. Any moron can see that climate changes are increasing in frequency! Why, just yesterday it was cold, today it's warm! Tomorrow it will be cold again. Any moron can see this is caused by human meddling with nature!


On a more serious note, I was eating a bowl of cereal this morning and noticed that it had a LOT of saturated fat in it. I ended up Googling the brand of cereal, found out it contains palm oil. Apparently the greenies really ARE blaming "climate change" on the use of palm oil. Demand is going up, so they're scrapping rainforest to grow more oil producing plants. :P Amazing the kind of crap we learn while eating cereral in the morning while bored.


So, uh, President Obama, what exactly is the climate supposed to be?

K. Darien Freeheart

QuoteSo, uh, President Obama, what exactly is the climate supposed to be?

"I think when you spread the warmth around, it's good for everybody." -- President-elect Barack Obama on Climate Change


QuoteOfficers were told cocaine and heroin use cost the British economy around £15bn a year in health and crime bills.

It amazes me how they fail to see the obvious solution to this. No doubt that £15bn includes the cost of imprisoning people that haven't harmed anyone. Rabble rabble sigh etc.


War is Peace
Freedom is Slavery
Ignorance is Strength
Climate Change is Real
