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Who should we send.

Started by William, December 26, 2008, 08:30 PM NHFT

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Arrangements are now underway for a National Congress to be held in Philadelphia in February.

The purpose of the Congress is to assemble representatives of the People of every state to discuss and debate not only the litany of violations the Constitution now being endured by the People, but to develop and commit to a practicable course of action to set straight our errant public servants, restore the Rule of Law and reclaim the Blessings of Liberty once more for our Republic and our children.

Here are the highlights as we see them:

1.       Three delegates from each state will assemble to discuss our constitutional problems and to agree on a course of action to cure the problem.

2.       We are asking the people in each State to nominate and then choose up to three individuals to represent the People from their state at the National We The People Congress.

3.       The Delegates will assemble for up to one month, or until they agree on a course of action, whichever occurs first.

4.       The nominees must have a proven passion for the Constitution as authors, scholars, or activists. They should be of established respectable character if not "pillars of the community."

5.       The nominees must be without felony convictions and preferably be clear of problems with the IRS (we cannot afford to make it easy for people to paint the delegates with any kind of brush, such as "tax-protestors").

6.       The nominees should be able to cover their expenses associated with the undertaking, either on their own account or with the assistance of the people from their state.

7.       Most importantly, the Delegates must understand that the Delegation's primary objective will be settling on a course of action to cure the problems we have with our rogue Government. That course of action may well be a written demand of the Government that they respond to each of the several Petitions for Redress of violations of the Constitution, or they (the Delegates), along with hundreds of thousands if not millions of their fellow countrymen back home (who by then will have committed to stand in support of the agreed upon course of action), will withdraw their allegiance and support from the federal Government until their Grievances are Redressed.

8.       We expect the Delegates will assemble in Philadelphia at the Constitution Center across from Independence Hall. See www.constitutioncenter.org

9.       Stenographers will prepare a digital transcript of the entire event for purposes of the historic record, recording all that is said.

10.   The Delegates from each state will be responsible for populating their State-level Congress web page (see e.g., the MA state page) with daily communications and updates from the National We The People Congress proceedings so the People from their State can be kept abreast as events unfold. Online discussion boards will be also available to facilitate communications for each state.

11.   The entire event will be webcast live from Philadelphia.

12.   Space will be provided in the meeting hall for members of the press, government and public, who will be able to observe the discussions, deliberations and debates, but not participate in or film them.


Four regional meetings are being considered to promote and answer questions about this new National We The People Congress initiative.

These meetings will be held in January in the North, South, East and West. We are currently evaluating possible locations in Minneapolis, Dallas, Washington DC and San Francisco.


Please pm me with nominations. I will contact them directly and see if they are interested in accepting this responsibility. If there are many, we'll have a poll and go from there. I would be interested in supporting someone who is very familiar with not only the NH and US constitutions but also freedom beyond them.

Once it's narrowed down to three, I'll set up a chip in and see how else we may help them fulfill this possibly historic task.