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Spit On A State Employee Day!

Started by Lloyd Danforth, December 31, 2008, 07:50 AM NHFT

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Lloyd Danforth

Spit early and often!


Associated Press - December 31, 2008 7:45 AM ET

CONCORD, N.H. (AP) - Despite Gov. John Lynch's efforts to cut costs, New Hampshire state workers will get a pay raise in 2009.

Lynch had asked leaders of the State Employee Association to delay the contractually guaranteed 5.5% increase, but the union has not scheduled the required votes it would take to reverse it. Union leaders say they may look at the issue again later but admit that once the raise goes into effect, it will be difficult to take it away.

Legislators could still vote to take away pay raises from nonunion employees, who include managers and most legislative and judicial branch workers. They have hesitated to do so over concerns of fairness.


my friend will be delighted that her mediocre work will result in yet another raise.



That's a union for you... Think about it, I doubt any of you would refuse a promised pay raise. And when the gov't delays something, it never gets done. I'd take my money and run.


yeah well I also don't work for someone who pays me with stolen money.  If I had a voluntary union who voluntarilly interacted with a company then yeah I'd take a payraise, since my company wanted to do business with my union to keep us working, making them money.

Instead you have medicore performances by statism happy people, who do not think further than the mailboy where the money to pay them comes from.  They want more money for less work, just like any of us, but it's where government is exceptional. . . paying more for less.  So kudos, no where else in the world can you have people who are capable of the knowledge that government doesn't work and yet those same people can foolishly be prodded into believing that if you give it more money then it might work better. 

You can't shine shit, I know too many government employees that don't have the drive to do anything on their own or contribute to an open market. 

John Edward Mercier

So what's the plan? Are they going to give some of them raises and others pink slips?


Quote from: John Edward Mercier on December 31, 2008, 10:41 AM NHFT
So what's the plan? Are they going to give some of them raises and others pink slips?

Or they'll all get raises and the rest of us will get the shaft.
