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He makes a good point

Started by Pat K, September 17, 2006, 12:21 AM NHFT

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Pat K


So, it's somehow Bush's job to rebuild the WTC?

To borrow Olbermann's words: that's really "grasping".

Pat K

I think he spread the blame around for the rebuilding.


The more I listened, the angrier I got. I'm no fan of Olbermann, no more than I'm a fan of Bush.

But in light of the selected quote: "And anyone who claims that I and others like me are 'soft,' or have 'forgotten"' the lessons of what happened here is at best a grasping, opportunistic, dilettante and at worst, an idiot whether he is a commentator, or a Vice President, or a President."

Please. When has the Vice President or President ever said a blinking thing about an op-ed talking head on the lowest-rated news channel?

Olbermann is clearly loony.



Quote from: Pat K on September 17, 2006, 02:20 AM NHFT
I think he spread the blame around for the rebuilding.

He spread it around the Bush administration, as if the federal government owns the WTC site, and is in charge of rebuilding.

And then he decried the ABC miniseries as inaccurate, segueing immediately into "How dare you, Mister President!", as if the White House wrote, directed, and produced the television program. (Curiously, many ABC stations feared to air the show, lest they be fined by the Bush FCC. What say ye, KeithO?)

"How dare you, or those around you, dare spin 9/11..." Good lord. Did they not teach "irony" wherever Keith Olbermann went to school?

He's obviously an intelligent and well-spoken guy. I could dismiss him as a fool, if he was just a fool. But for me, no fan of Bush nor apologist for his administration, to be so incensed by this commentary...


I have to conclude he's just another manipulative media whore, willing to say whatever he needs to say to stir up controversy and get himself in the news. Hard to get into the news on MSNBC, but I guess he does what he has to do.

And then he goes off into a rant about Disney...   ??? ::)


Right on the top of his head  :D


Pat K

O-k then I was wrong Bush and the VP and the rest of his admin and the Mayor and all the Pol's have been great and have never used 9-11 to their advantage. There is no 16 acre hole in the middle of Manhatten.

I have to start carrying Packs of Kool-Aid around to give to people.