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HR45 is in "Stimulus Bill"? Rep. Itse mentioned it was included on Glen Beck!!

Started by Shootemup, February 13, 2009, 05:02 PM NHFT

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K. Darien Freeheart

From what I can tell, Itse was wrong.

The House passed HR 1 (American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009) and that act contains the word firearm and gun ONLY in reference to giving the BATFE money.


Quote from: Kevin Dean on February 13, 2009, 05:28 PM NHFT
From what I can tell, Itse was wrong.

The House passed HR 1 (American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009) and that act contains the word firearm and gun ONLY in reference to giving the BATFE money.

I've been reading on the internet that the latest version is some unsearchable format, and is more than 1100 pages; nobody's reading it before the vote.


Quote from: Shootemup on February 13, 2009, 05:36 PM NHFT
Quote from: Kevin Dean on February 13, 2009, 05:28 PM NHFT
From what I can tell, Itse was wrong.

The House passed HR 1 (American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009) and that act contains the word firearm and gun ONLY in reference to giving the BATFE money.

I've been reading on the internet that the latest version is some unsearchable format, and is more than 1100 pages; nobody's reading it before the vote.

It's in .pdf format, but whether it's a text pdf or image pdf, I don't know. The former is searchable, the latter is not unless converted by OCR.

So much for Obama's new "transparent" government and his promise to post all bills for at least five days before they're voted on.


Quote from: KBCraig on February 13, 2009, 06:11 PM NHFT
Quote from: Shootemup on February 13, 2009, 05:36 PM NHFT
Quote from: Kevin Dean on February 13, 2009, 05:28 PM NHFT
From what I can tell, Itse was wrong.

The House passed HR 1 (American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009) and that act contains the word firearm and gun ONLY in reference to giving the BATFE money.

I've been reading on the internet that the latest version is some unsearchable format, and is more than 1100 pages; nobody's reading it before the vote.

It's in .pdf format, but whether it's a text pdf or image pdf, I don't know. The former is searchable, the latter is not unless converted by OCR.

So much for Obama's new "transparent" government and his promise to post all bills for at least five days before they're voted on.

I heard about this on SurvivalBlog.com who links to GunOwners.Org


Here is the quote on the bill from there

H.R. 45 (Rush):  This bill would require a license for handguns and semiautomatics, including those currently possessed.  The applicant must be thumbprinted and sign a certification that, effectively, the firearm will not be kept in a place where it would be available for the defense of the gun owner's family.  The applicant must also make available ALL of his psychiatric records, pass an exam, and pay a fee of up to $25.  The license may be renewed after five years and may be revoked.  Private sales would be outlawed, and reports to the attorney general of all transactions would be required, even when, as the bill allows, the AG determines that a state licensing system is sufficiently draconian to substitute for the federal license.  With virtually no exceptions, ALL firearms transactions (involving semiautos, handguns, long guns, etc.) would be subject to a Brady check.  In addition, the bill would make it unlawful in nearly all cases to keep any loaded firearm for self-defense.  A variety of "crimes by omission" (such as failure to report certain things) would be created.  Criminal penalties of up to ten years and almost unlimited regulatory and inspection authority would be established.

So it's a VERY bad bill! According to SurvivalBlog.com (as of a few hours ago when I got the post) they stated there was no co-sponsor for the bill, but maybe they are wrong.

EDIT: I did a search on HR 1 and there is only 1 section that mentions firearm, and 0 mentions of registration regarding firearms. So it seems like that site listed above is right, and this wasn't "snuck in"

Pat McCotter

The bill (HR1) that was voted on had handwritten changes made on it. Did every rep/senator who voted on it see all of the written changes? ::) ::) ::)


H.R. 45 wast just sent to the House Judiciary Committee today from the info I got, so keep a eye on it, it might be a good idea to contact your rep about this (though I dont know if it will do any good, it's worth the shot on a bill as bad as this one).