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"Let them march all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."  --Alexander Haig

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Outreach at April 25th Boston End the Fed Rally

Started by Fluff and Stuff, April 16, 2009, 11:27 AM NHFT

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Fluff and Stuff

What: Boston End the Fed Rally
Where: Outside the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston
   600 Atlantic Ave.
   Boston, MA
When: Saturday April 25th from 10AM - 2PM
Action: Hand out Free Talk Live flyers, FSP tax flyers, and FSP bookmarks plus talk to people about what is happening in NH to End the Fed and reduce government on all levels
Contact: Reply to this message, PM me, or email keithcarlsen at gmail dot com

Boston End the Fed Rally on April 25

There were End the Fed Rallies at all of the Federal Reserve Buildings in the nation shortly after the November elections.  A new round of rallies was setup and they will happen on April 25th.  People will be there with signs, handing out flyers, spreading the word about freedom and listening to speakers - including Mark Edge of Free Talk Live.  I lined up Mark to speak at this event so that we could use the Rally as an outreach opportunity to get more liberty lovers to move up to New Hampshire and especially the Keene area. 

Please come and help Mark spread the word about the New Hampshire freedom movement - we need more folks in NH.  I need help with passing out FTL flyers, FSP tax flyers, and FSP bookmarks.  Please wear FTL, FSP, pro-freedom NH clothes or whatever you think is best.  Let's reach out to folks in the Boston area and tell them what we are up to.  Bring copies of Keene related flyers, NH Free Press, or anything else you think will help encourage folks to move to NH.

You may want to carpool as parking in Boston isn't the easiest thing in the world.  Contact me or post here if you are interested in carpooling and I may be able to help.

Thanks for your help in building the NH liberty movement!  Just because you moved to NH doesn't mean you cannot still recruit.  In fact, it is easier to recruit now that you live in NH because MA is the most fertile state for recruiting and lots of pro-liberty events happen in the Boston area - like this one.


I would be interested in car pooling, since driving and parking in Boston is not my idea of fun.   

Fluff and Stuff

85 or so folks showed up including at least 14 I know from NH.  People talked on bull horns, handed out End the Fed DVDs, FTL flyers (Both Ian's and Denis's designs), FSP bookmarks, FSP flyers, and other stuff.  I noticed about 100 free newspapers and I put a FTL flyer in all of them.  Around 1pm people started speaking - they used a bullhorn while standing on a Jeep.  Mark was the 3rd speaker and did a good job.  Mark's family and I left just before 2pm so I'm not sure what happened after that but a march to a more populated area of Boston was planned. 

From what I understand we had a permit to be there from 10am - 2pm.  However, there was no permit to speak and I get the feeling people were still they after 2pm.  It's great to see peaceful people doing what they feel is right - even if it is against the law.  The weather was fantastic and I had a great time. 

I already have ideas on making the experience much more fruitful next year.

Fluff and Stuff

Mark Edge of Free Talk Live speaking about FTL, the Federal Reserve, HR 1207 and the Free State Project.

April 25 2009
End the Fed Rally
Boston Federal Reserve Bank
Boston, MA