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Breaking News 2009.08.26: New Hampshire Court orders Christian homeschooled girl

Started by MTPorcupine3, August 26, 2009, 09:06 PM NHFT

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A Christian homeschool girl in New Hampshire has been ordered into government-run public school for having "sincerely held" religious beliefs.

Q. Where in New Hampshire is this, and what can we do to stop this madness?

Fluff and Stuff

It sounds like that Court is run by folks that have no understanding of basic knowledge or hate Christianity, not sure which.


The court's fundamental point is that government indoctrination camps (public schools) allow multiple viewpoints instead of personal faith. It's extremely chilling.

Kat Kanning

Kat Kanning

Apparently the dad in the divorce didn't want the daughter homeschooled.

Lloyd Danforth

Perhaps he just doesn't want her world to be exposed to only, crazy Christian stuff.  All we can be sure of is the child will be screwed because every child is in every divorce!

Kat Kanning

Really?   Every single one?  So if one parent is beating the crap outta the kid and the other takes the kid away, the child gets screwed by that?

Lloyd Danforth

OK!  Ya got me!  Most of the divorces I have seen are the result of one or both adults deciding they no longer wish to stay together.  Even when kids are not used as pawns, something is lost for them.

Kat Kanning


I have to tell you, when I read the headline, "<a href=http://www.wnd.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=108084>Court orders Christian child into government education</a>," I thought for sure the story was out of Germany, where they are known for despising religion, especially the Christian religion. Imagine my shock when I found it was not only from America, but from New Hampshire.

According to the government in New Hampshire, and supported by the court system, if you are "too religious," then you are dangerous and you MUST be forced into a government re-education camp. Now I know <a href=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godwin%27s_law>Godwin's Law</a>, but this screams of Nazi Germany.

I shouldn't be surprised any more by the motivations and actions of the scum of the earth that call themselves "child advocates," "social services," and "guardian ad litems." Still, the unmitigated gall of this woman to tell a person that since they have sincerely held beliefs that they need to be "re-educated" is really beyond comprehension. And then, for the court to agree and order the child separated from her mother by force to be sent to a place neither of them want to go? Its just beyond disgusting.

Its situations like these why I have a plan in place with supplies and other things for either my family, or just my children, to run and hide and escape from these bastards that want to run my life. My best advice to this woman is to get the child away and hide the poor kid somewhere. Then, and only then, would I talk to the "courts." Because once the government gets their hands on this child, it is highly unlikely the woman will ever see her child again.

Kat Kanning