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Not an assualt when cops do it

Started by Pat K, April 12, 2009, 10:47 PM NHFT

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Pat K

It's NEVER an "Assault" --
Posted by William Grigg at April 11, 2009 09:07 PM

-- when police commit an act of criminal violence against an innocent citizen. Instead, it's always a "struggle," as if the victim were somehow involved in mutual combat.

Witness this sickening incident from Ft. Worth, which is described as a "violent traffic stop" in the headline, and a "struggle" in the body of this account from WFAA-TV:

"A deaf man ended up with a broken nose after he found himself in a struggle with a Fort Worth police officer. While the incident happened over one year ago, the video that captured it was just released.

It began with Christopher Ferrell, 43, being pulled over in his maroon sedan for speeding. Ferrell reached for his identification to inform the officer of his disability.

`He is deaf,' said Paul Goetz, Ferrell's attorney. `He is hearing impaired.' But, Officer J.A. Miller said he was concerned Ferrell was reaching for a gun. Miller withdrew his gun, grabbed Ferrell, swung him around and slammed his head into the rear windshield.

`He was trying to show his identification to the officer so that the officer would know that he was simply unable to communicate with him on a normal basis,' Goetz said. Ferrell was then forced into the car."

A face smash, explains a friend of mine, is "a deliberate maiming move.... If you're not ready for a shove on your head, the head's weight makes a great wrecking ball for use against what sits on its front -- the nose, mouth and brow ridges."

This "deliberate maiming move" was inflicted on Ferrell as he was trying to cooperate with the officer.

The video included in the story shows Ferrell, as he's being assaulted by Miller, desperately gesticulating in sign language prior to being shoved into the car, but it doesn't occur to the mouth-breathing tax-feeder that what he might have on his hands was a failure to communicate.

Miller was "punished" -- meaning he was suspended for two days without pay, rather than being cashiered from the force and prosecuted for felonious assault, as he should have been. And of course, the career parasite is appealing that penalty.

The city, meanwhile, touched up the taxpayers for $50,000 to settle with Ferrell, preempting a lawsuit that would have cost them even more.

Miller, predictably, insisted that he thought Ferrell may have had a gun, and was worried about his safety. This, we are to believe, is "vigilance." However, when a citizen is confronted with an armed agent of the state who may attack, maim, or kill him with impunity, the same sense of heightened anxiety for one's safety is called "paranoia."

Here is the tape http://www.kvue.com/news/top/stories/040909kvue_fw_traffic-cb.bab85af8.html


Thanks for sharing this. 

I wish the Victim would not have not settled and taken those Texas Bullies for a lot more, as I think that's the only way this officer (self serving thug) might have been fired.

But this is good news as it's reminds the Public of the type of violence these people are capable of.

It's so true that Cops get away with Assault, while everyone else is penalized.  The reality is Cops beat people up all the time in the rush of the arrest and it's just accepted as "you shouldn't have gotten arrested," with no regard as to whether people are innocent or guilty.

Nothing new, two sets of laws.  One set for us to abide by and None for them to abide by, because they're working on our behalf, for our protection of course.  Because they're doing the People's work. 

Seems like the next thing they're going to say is "Silly Rabbit, Tricks are for Kids!"


Another "isolated incident".

When are they going to come up with a new buzzphrase?


I remember we used to have a mute come through Wendy's and he got pulled over and arrested for not answering the cop's questions.  He thought the whole "not talking" thing was a sham.  I guess the old ratty leatherbound notebook around his neck wasn't enough of a clue.  When you don't cooperate, it's disorderly. . . even if you are incapable of speaking.


It's good to be the King's henchmen.

Bill St. Clair

"All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others."


Indeed, the badge is not just an item for identification, but instead is a license to be free from prosecution of laws that apply to those who do not have such items.



Can We The People Remove the Govt Police Force and hire a Private Police force In which we want to walk our streets...Ones that give hugs and high 5's rather than face plants and elbow drops?  fuck me!  When did the nice cop on the corner think he became a fuckin wrestler...

I can say this ,  I walked in all the shitty parts of my state NH, Grew up in Dorchesta Mass, shit I been in the bronx at 12 midnight... I was never in fear of a civilian attacking me,  BUT! When i see a coppa' I am in fear.  They can beat the dogg shat outta you, and instigate you to beat there ass.  and when you do, you get Rodney King'd  , 

I really think I am alseep, no way this shit is real...I wonder if cop tells his buddies how he broken dudes nose adn is proud.
FUckin Cops. Suck.

Peace, Love and Understanding.