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Simple Rules for living - Always Obey and be Thankful For Your Masters

Started by Peacemaker, April 13, 2009, 12:37 PM NHFT

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Since those who "Protect us" don't have the time to post on this forum, as they are busy hunting protecting us, I thought I would post for them, in order to help Everyone live a Simpler, Nicer, peaceful life.

Just Remember these Simple Rules and You'll do fine living in America, the land of the "Free."

1) Always Obey Your Masters.
   You are too stupid to act on your own.  Your Masters know better than you, what's good for you, so never forget rule number 1,   
   Always Obey Your Masters.

2) Never be Vocal or Disagreeable. 
    You don't know enough about what's going to disagree with your Masters.  They always know what's best for you. If you find you 
    have a point of disagreement, then what you should do is approach your Masters and ask them for permission to contest your idea. 
    If they say, forget about it, go home or we'll put you in jail, then you should do so.   Remember Rule number #1.
     So Never be Vocal or Disagreeable because this might Upset your Masters and you never want to Upset them because they may 
     decide it's best, you "be taken care" (put in a cage or worse), because disagreeing is frowned upon (who do you think you are?).
     So Never question your Masters, rather always be submissive and do what they say.

3)  Always Be Thankful to and for your Masters.
    They risk their lives to protect you, to give you a system of "freedom" that allows you to go work and be forced to pay for their
    (sliding scale on this one, it's based off how much you make.  The more you make, the more they get, for providing the
    same "service.")  But don't concern yourself with this point.  You should always be thankful for your Masters and always respect
    them, because if you don't.. well, they'll just stick a gun in your face and force you too, for your own good of course.  And you don't
     want that.

4) Lastly, You Don't Own your Life, Your Masters Do.
    Keep this mind and you'll always be OK.  Remember, you owe your Freedom to your Masters.  And don't complain.  It's the Freest 
    country on earth, so be thankful for Freedom that your Masters have Granted you.

Remember these Simple Rules and you'll do just fine, getting along with your Masters, who know better than you, how to live your life.