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Multiple skills no paper, payments in cash or trade for good and services,

Started by gtfunding, May 12, 2009, 11:25 PM NHFT

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I have many skills and few certifications. I am available for plumbing repair, Home school math or science teaching , or tutoring, writing legal motions and arguments, bondo and rivet rust repair with a very high level of finish quality, custom computer systems built to order, Legal weddings and civil unions in NH (ordained minister), Very reasonable rates depending on job and location. I accept Cash, food, goods of value, gold, silver, or platinum, services, or combination of the previously mentioned as payment, as long as value received is equal in value to services preformed.

Yes I know there are some run on sentences but this is just a classified and I did not want to take 30 sentence to explain everthing. If you need any thing reply with info of some kind thanks