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Id rather count the wrinkles on my dogs balls???

Started by rmodel65, May 01, 2009, 12:35 AM NHFT

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hahaha now this is they way to get excused from jury duty :P  (not that id want to because Jury Nullification is ftw)

In no uncertain terms, a Montana man tells judge why he won't serve

APRIL 30--There are probably better ways to avoid jury duty than the approach recently taken by a Montana man. After Erik Slye, 36, received a jury notice earlier this year, he filed a notarized affidavit seeking to be excused from serving on a District Court panel in Gallatin County. Slye's caustic affidavit, which he prepared with help from his wife Jennifer, can be found below. The document, of course, did not sit well with court officials and led a judge to threaten to jail Slye. But after being summoned to court, Slye apologized for the affidavit and avoided being cited on a criminal failure to appear rap. And he also was excused from serving on a jury.



And it's on the proper form as well. But did he sumbit it in triplicate along with his dog ball wrinkle counting license application and dog ball wrinkle counting license application fee?


Quoteled a judge to threaten to jail Slye

Do not even attempt to disobey. Do not mention the man behind the curtain, or you will be jailed.

Its just amazing that this guy was actually threatened with being thrown in jail for "insulting" a judge. And I'm quite sure if he hadn't appeared in person and groveled, he would have been forcibly removed from his home and thrown in a cell against his will. What a country.


I think we should all do this :)  I agree with Mr.  Slye

Free libertarian

 Counting the wrinkles on his dog's balls? In some places owning an unneutered pet is illegal, so by extension unless the balls are unattached to said dog he could uh be breaking the law.  :grommit:


I find it funny how besides using the word "crap," he doesn't cuss in his response until he gets to his last sentence, making things perfectly clear (save the two letters missing, thus in his mind, he doesn't cuss(?)

"Leave me the F_ _ K alone."