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Started by jaqeboy, May 19, 2009, 11:30 AM NHFT

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Former defense secretary Donald Rumsfeld has always answered his detractors by claiming that history will one day judge him kindly. But as he waits for that day, a new group of critics—his administration peers—are suddenly speaking out for the first time. What they're saying? It isn't pretty
By Robert Draper

On the morning of Thursday, April 10, 2003, Donald Rumsfeld's Pentagon prepared a top-secret briefing for George W. Bush. This document, known as the Worldwide Intelligence Update, was a daily digest of critical military intelligence so classified that it circulated among only a handful of Pentagon leaders and the president; Rumsfeld himself often delivered it, by hand, to the White House. The briefing's cover sheet generally featured triumphant, color images from the previous days' war efforts: On this particular morning, it showed the statue of Saddam Hussein being pulled down in Firdos Square, a grateful Iraqi child kissing an American soldier, and jubilant crowds thronging the streets of newly liberated Baghdad. And above these images, and just below the headline secretary of defense, was a quote that may have raised some eyebrows. It came from the Bible, from the book of Psalms: "Behold, the eye of the Lord is on those who fear Him...To deliver their soul from death."

This mixing of Crusades-like messaging with war imagery, which until now has not been revealed, had become routine. ...

Sounds like Rummy's day is coming... none too soon!


While they are at it, could we ask them to 'find' the missing $2,300,000,000,000.00 or so Rummy said was 'lost'? Or were all those records inconvieniently destroyed when the passengerjetthatlookedlikeacruisemissile hit the exact spot in the Pentagram, um, er Pentagon where those records were allegedly stored?



I'm betting the airliner/missile hit the records dead center!