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Noise police in Nelson on the march

Started by Dave Ridley, August 21, 2005, 12:51 PM NHFT

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Dave Ridley

from al kulas:

Aug 19, 2005 12:58 AM
     Next week, (Date & time as yet unknown) the Town of Nelson, NH
Selectmen are to have a special meeting to vote on what is ostensibly
a, "Noise Ordinance".  No: racing of an engine or blowing the horn,
(forget about working on your own vehicle), or playing music outside, or
inside, if it can be heard by anyone who complains. 
     Two pages of legalese, followed by the Paragraph of Exemptions: 
Official noise only, or that approved by the selectmen. 


They make it appear as if that only applies in certain zones ... But the
entire Town of Nelson is in those zones!   
     The material given me, contained an Email from an official in Nelson
to:  Nolan T. Koon   
      Staff Attorney 
      Local Government Center
      PO Box 617
      Concord NH 03302 
Stating that the proposed Ordinance was, "... pretty much cut/pasted from
Winchester's and Swanzey's Noise Ordinance".  "Would you take a look
at this and make sure we're legal." 
     Attorney Koon replied, "The ordinance looks good." 

It appears that Nelson wants to outlaw Trucks with JAKE Brakes, Motorcycles,
Chainsaws, Hammers on construction sites, and Barking Dogs.   As well as,
harass legitimate hunters and target shooters. 
     Tomorrow morning I will check and see what Winchester and Swanzey
really say.  What do you suggest that we do about Nelson? 
     Al Kulas 


I guess, I don't really have a huge problem with noise ordinences.

Granted, if we lived in a purely private property anarchy, these problems would be solved with homeowners associations, deed restrictions, and covenents. And technologies that could defend against noise. Common law on it's own, would also consider excessive noice a tresspass.

But we don't live there, and it's a long way away. I guess, I feel like their are more important things to worry about then noise ordinences. As long as they aren't enforced excessively (as in, only after a person's logged an official complaint. I'd rather not have cops just busting down doors for noise randomly.) , I really don't see them as a huge problem.


Kat Kanning

Public hearing on this Wednesday 8/24/05, 6pm at Nelson Town Hall.


There's an update on the NH Info section at the GONH website - http://www.gonh.org/

Basically, the firearms discharge ban was stripped a few hours before the meeting, and the general sense of the attendees was that old-fashioned neighborliness had gotten the town through the last 200 years, and it should be good enough for the next 200, and that an ordinance is not a good idea.

And if there is to be an ordinance, there should be specific time limits on it.