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Complaints Of Rude Door-To-Door Salesmen Lead To (9) Arrests

Started by Fluff and Stuff, May 29, 2009, 04:52 AM NHFT

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Fluff and Stuff

Complaints Of Rude Door-To-Door Salesmen Lead To Arrests

QuoteSALEM, N.H. -- Nine people were arrested Wednesday after several Salem residents complained of aggressive and rude magazine salesmen.

Police said they investigated the door-to-door solicitors and found that they didn't have required peddlers licenses from the state and hadn't registered with the town or Police Department.

Officials said the arrests were complicated because none of the people had positive identification on them. Those arrested were from different parts of the country, some from as close as Lowell, Mass., and others from as far away as Long Beach, Calif...
more here http://www.wmur.com/news/19589965/detail.html

I'm not really sure about this story.  It's not a good idea to be rude.

However, it appears as though eight people were arrested for not having a peddlers (or something) license.  A peddlers license, really >:(


When a person is doing something illegal, the general rule of thumb is to not piss off your customers, or people who are not interested in your product/service.   ::) 


Quote from: David on June 04, 2009, 07:07 PM NHFT
When a person is doing something illegal, the general rule of thumb is to not piss off your customers, or people who are not interested in your product/service.   ::) 
My thoughts exactly.


My exact thoughts:

A peddlers license?

"Officials said the arrests were complicated because none of the people had positive identification on them."

Three cheers for rude salesmen!


I wonder if these guys were the same ones that stopped by my house a few weeks ago.

In my case a young black kid stopped over.  He said he was working with a youth program to straighten out his life but what struck me a little odd was he was very open about information about my neighbors and was asking things about them as well.  And the kid was very pushy.  I told him to come back and talk to my wife and he started in that I must have a box of extra checks laying around so why can't I cut him a check now etc etc etc.  Made me a little nervous but other then giving my neighbors a heads up about the kid I didn't think anything of it.