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Articles on the FDR controversy

Started by memenode, July 09, 2009, 02:46 AM NHFT

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I'm putting this into the endless debate and whining forum cause it seems to be the safest place for stuff that resembles blatant self promotion. :P

Feel free to delete me if you disagree.....

Anyway.. I've started a series of articles about the FDR controversy because I felt the need to close this issue and the best way I usually achieve closure about a particular issue that bothers me is to write the hell about it or just debate it till exhaustion. But more on my motivation is in the articles..

So far I got:

* Exploring the Freedomain Radio controversy (Part 0)
* FDR Controverys Part 1: The (flawed) cult claim.
* FDR Controversy Part 2: A "brief" misrepresentation of FDR.

I will probably respond to some other articles from FDRLiberated.com including stuff about UPB. I'm not necessarily gonna defend *everything* about FDR, but I basically first want to get the stuff which I really feel is worth defending out of the way before I get to where my positions are somewhat more neutral.

I assume there may be some fans (or foes?) of Stefan Molyneux here who might be somewhat interested.

Thanks (and feel free to comment, here or there anyway).


Totally off-topic, but what is the origin of your avatar? I keep seeing that image.  Thanks for the info.

Lloyd Danforth

I think you could have gotten the Tattoo at PF.I think it is a symbol for Volantarism or however you spell it.


Quote from: memenode on July 09, 2009, 02:46 AM NHFT
I'm putting this into the endless debate and whining forum cause it seems to be the safest place for stuff that resembles blatant self promotion. :P

Feel free to delete me if you disagree.....

Blatant self promotion is bad? Crap, I'm in trouble!


Friday, you can find it here: http://www.philaahzophy.com/2007/07/25/new-anarchist-symbol/

There don't seem to be bigger (better resolution) images than that though. What is usually used is a more basic symbol like this and an SVG version on wikipedia (SVG means you can put it in a vector drawing program and scale or modify it as you wish without loss of quality).

I like the hand shaking in the first one though and wish there was an SVG source for that too, though one guy has commented that it reminds a bit of the Ingsoc symbol.. :P


Quote from: memenode on July 09, 2009, 02:46 AM NHFT
I've started a series of articles about the FDR controversy because I felt the need to close this issue and the best way I usually achieve closure about a particular issue that bothers me is to write the hell about it or just debate it till exhaustion.

Unless you live in the same house as an FDR fan, it is obvious that this issue is not a real problem in your life.  You had to spend time and effort to find and consume the FDR material.  It didn't come after you and force you or anyone else to listen to it.  This says to me that you are using FDR controversy to distract you from actual facts that are bothering you in your real life. 

I'd like it if you'd write the hell about or debate the real issue till exhaustion.


Sorry for a late response..

Maybe the real issue is the fact I don't like people trashing things I value and I might be oversensitive to that. It's always been hard for me to bow out of debates..

As for any other issues.. there are plenty! Yet I feel like I'm making progress. Just recently I rediscovered what I loved to do and have the biggest sense of direction in years. This is to be reflected in my new project (DoublePlusHuman). Other things will come into place gradually as well. If or once the project is a success and my goals are achieved I'm gonna be visiting NH for probably 6 or so months at a time (I am in Europe, will be coming as a tourist until a more permanent solution is found). :)

Btw, just to be sure, I was largely defending FDR in my articles because I think accusations are rather baseless.. I sorta AM an FDR fan. :)
