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Started by violence, July 09, 2009, 01:50 AM NHFT

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Deleting posts made by violence.


of course you can own property.  I used to think otherwise but I was just being a dumbass.

I would use violence to protect the things that I own.  My body, my car, my house, my tv.  You name it.

you can't own a website that you have no claim to, don't be fucking stupid.

Lloyd Danforth

Stupid and a tresspasser!

John Edward Mercier

Anarchy would fall under natural order and allow property ownership through right of possession.
That continued possession may be due to right of might... but not always.


   This topic gives me a chance to ask a question about anarchy , remember I am new  .

How would an unwanted squatter be dealt with ?

Kat Kanning

Heh, was that a hypothetical question?


Quote from: CJS on July 09, 2009, 08:19 AM NHFT
How would an unwanted squatter be dealt with ?

Lots of different ways. Different people would react differently and over time, the best ways would be discovered and tend to be used most. That's the idea of a free market. It uses a sort of natural selection process to evolve civilized societies. Occasionally people would overreact and there would be repercussions from the community, which is a good thing, unlike when the State does overreacts now and no one dares to question them. They have a perception of authority and correctness no matter how evil they become. That's why police brutality continues to escalate.

And yes, even the repercussions in response to the initial overreaction can be an overreaction. The difference is that no one is sheltered by a veil of legitimacy and so their actions are tempered by the possible repercussions and natural law evolves over time instead of abuse being an inevitability and something that festers and grows along with the power and perceived legitimacy of the State.

P.S. Really stupid name for this thread. Every single thread could be started with that name.  ::) You're really fucking annoying and on the verge of ignore status. Convince me you're not a troll.


Quote from: Kat Kanning on July 09, 2009, 09:10 AM NHFT
Heh, was that a hypothetical question?

Yes and no .. I will not deny any passive aggression in asking how to rid oneself of unwanted guests .

Having read much of the archived threads I have wonder why the owners of this forum do not delete/lock the accounts of those they feel are disrespecting their property . In my mind ... my right to free speech , while inalienable .... stops  "inside your front door" .

  To dalebert ... thanks for the answer , I was afraid that after my questions in the other forum you may have thought I was a troll  :o ,  I honestly just wanted to pick your brain . Anarchy is really hard for me to wrap my mind around and I love to learn .


Quote from: violence on July 09, 2009, 12:18 PM NHFT
who would settle disputes, what if i said i owned than and you also claimed it. do we duel pistols are dawn?

anarchy depends on the pipe dream that 95% of people will get along with each other at all times and no one will be a big meanie

There just wouldn't be a monopoly on the settling of disputes which would make for better options. There's always the possibility of violence, with or without the State. Third party dispute resolution would be sought by those trying to avoid a violent conflict.

We're responsible for feeding and caring for ourselves and providing for our own needs. Why should we not be responsible for protecting our own rights? And keep in mind, one can do just that much more effectively in voluntary cooperation with others when it is in all of our best interests to live in a civilized society where rights are respected.