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National Security Alert - Concord, Tuesday, 7PM

Started by jaqeboy, October 19, 2009, 07:34 PM NHFT

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Craig Renke and the Citizen Investigation Team have released a video which is a compilation of all their video interviews and a report of their conclusions regarding "what happened at the Pentagon" on 9/11/01.

Merrimack Valley 911 Truth will be screening National Security Alert Tuesday night at Liberty books. You're invited to come at 6:30 PM for setup and snacks - we'll have a brief business meeting and start the video shortly afterwards. For full details see the calendar post for the event on the MV911T site.


Here's the text of the announcement:

National Security Alert is an 81 minute video presenting conclusive evidence establishing that the plane that was seen flying low over Arlington on 9/11/01 did not in fact hit the Pentagon.

It's a concise presentation of the the key evidence we [CIT] have uncovered proving beyond a reasonable doubt that the plane did not hit the Pentagon on 9/11/01. However, there is much, much more evidence which we could not include in the presentation due to time constraints. Please follow the links below [at MV911T and on their site] to view this evidence.

Official Interviews As stated in National Security Alert, many of the north side approach witnesses presented are on record placing the plane on the same north side approach flight path during official interviews conducted only weeks after the event. This eliminates the notion that they are remembering inaccurately due to faded memory. In this section, you can read and listen to these official interviews.

Supplemental Presentations In the two and a half years prior to the June 2009 release of National Security Alert we released numerous full length video presentations and video shorts. These videos contain extended versions of the interviews seen in National Security Alert, as well as interviews with other witnesses who were not included in that presentation. These videos also include volumes of other information supporting the undeniable conclusion that the plane did not hit the Pentagon, and proving that the "official" (government-endorsed) account of what happened in Arlington that day is false on many other levels. This section contains links to these presentations, and overviews of the contents of each.


So we have a turboprop C-130 in pursuit of the full throttle jet engined 767, a NEECAP guiding a suicidal Global Hawk and a Hellfire launched from the roof of the Navy Annex?

The airliner flies over the Pentagon in agreement with Pilots for 9-11 truth shows. The G-Hawk crashes into the pentagon setting off a bunkerbuster. Once the hole can be properly lazed the Hellfire goes in for the kill.

That about cover it?


There is ample video evidence that no airline hit the Pentagon. All you have to do is look at it with an open mind. And why did government goons swoop into nearby gas stations, hotels and other buildings with security cameras trained in the direction of the Pentagon within minutes of the 'crash' and confiscate the film of all the cameras in question? Just askin'.

Oh, and I'm not just conjecturing. I actually spent the night at a major hotel overlooking the Pentagon and did a little snooping. A quick look at the landscape was all the proof I needed to see that no airline could possibly do what the official story says it did. There's a hill in the way that would prevent it.



Quote from: Tunga on October 19, 2009, 08:50 PM NHFT
So we have a turboprop C-130 in pursuit of the full throttle jet engined 767, a NEECAP guiding a suicidal Global Hawk and a Hellfire launched from the roof of the Navy Annex?

The airliner flies over the Pentagon in agreement with Pilots for 9-11 truth shows. The G-Hawk crashes into the pentagon setting off a bunkerbuster. Once the hole can be properly lazed the Hellfire goes in for the kill.

That about cover it?

Not sure, Tunga. You know more about this than me. Come on down to the meeting tonight and share the info with us: http://mv911t.org


Sorry jageboy couldn' make the meeting last night. Did you get enough information to form an opinion of what really happened at the Pentagon on 9-11?